"There's a phone in my car, use it." he yelled at me as he landed a right hook on Austin's jaw.

I scrabbled to my feet, pain searing in my wrist. My hair was pulled back, Phyllis dragging me to the ground. She yanked at my hair pulling me to the back door that was open. I could hear Stanley yelling at them that they were making a scene, that everyone was watching. Phyllis let my hair go free and got into the car, Austin landed a hook into Noah that knocked him to the ground. He ran past me and climbed into the car. With a whole heap of noise and tires spinning, the car took off through the red lights, cars tooted their horns and the drivers yelled their obscenities at them.

It had happened so fast, I had no time to think about any of it. I sat there in the middle of the street watching the fast disappearing car. It was a faded blue bomb of a thing. Noah crawled over to me, looking over me, seeing the needle mark.

"Are you ok Ronnie?"

I nodded but suddenly I burst into tears, being engulfed in his arms.

"It's ok, you're safe now."

There were more screeching of tires, car doors thudding and a lot of yelling. My tear blurred eyes looked up, Phil was here I could see him behind a tree as he transformed back to his human state. Curtis tossed him some clothes as Sid picked me up, hugging me and kissing me, alternating being angry and happy. Stuart was stalking around Noah, shouting something at him.


They all stopped and looked at me.

"Firstly, can we get off the road, secondly, he wasn't the one that abducted me. He saved me."

Stuart squinted at Noah as he stood from the ground, everyone moved to the kerb.

"I was only passing through, on my way to a friend's house two towns over. He's having a big party or something." he shrugged.

I watched as the group of men around me waited for his explanation as to why he had breached the fifty-mile radius. One of Phil's men was here and was moving the cars out of the way of the very irate people that had been going around them.

"I know it's in the zone but I was only passing through, I had no intentions of going anywhere near her, I swear."

"Alright." Stuart said not very impressed "We will accept your explanation only because you lucked out and were able to save Veronica."

"Gee thanks." he rolled his eyes and then looked at me "What did you do now?"

"I have no idea."

"He had a fixation on her but that could have been part of the plan." Stuart muses.

"I think it's best if we return to the house." Phil looks at me and in particular, the needle mark.

"Get the doctor in to make sure she's ok."

"I hurt my wrist."

Sid was about to move me to the car and I stopped him.

"Say thank you. He saved me."

He squinted at me with his lips pursed.

"Fine." he hissed under his breath.

"Thank you for saving Veronica's life Noah, I appreciate that you broke the rule and happened to be in the right place at the right time."

"Sure." he grinned, thoroughly amused at the discomfort Sid was exuding "Any time."

Sid tugged on my good hand, urging me to the car.

"Thanks." I smiled at him "We are good now but seriously don't break the radius again."

Noah nodded with a soft smile, waving goodbye as I was ushered into the waiting vehicle.

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