"There's a play park at the end of the block." he said dryly "Can't you control your children Veronica?"

"It's full moon jack ass."

"Fine. This way."

I picked Dylan up, holding him under his arms, staring into his eyes.

"Calm down young man."

His eyes slowly blinked as he stared back at me, he was calmer now. Still very boisterous but at least he wasn't running circles around his father, stirring up Kayla.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" he asked as he closed the door.

"Blood cost is too high."

Dylan climbed onto my lap as I sat down, he sat there and stared at Linus. I was sure he'd start growling at him or something to make him even more uncomfortable. Nothing had changed about his office. It was the same stark white walls, the same veneer brown desk that we used to have sex on, the same tired computer that was so far out of date it wasn't funny. His desk was still perfectly ordered. Linus was very pedantic about pens and pencils in a little plastic cup, papers neatly placed in the tray, everything lined up straight and perfect.

"We aren't getting a lot of profit here Ronnie, I don't know what you're expecting."

"I find that really hard to believe Linus, maybe we need to run through the figures."

He hesitated as he looked at me, his mouth opened and I knew what was about to come out.

"I think you will do well to remember that as the coven leader for this area I have a right to view the costings. Hand them over."

Linus huffed and narrowed his eyes at me, tapped something at his computer and then turned the monitor. As I looked through it, one thing became very clear.

"You've cornered the market." I scowled at him "You've got a monopoly on all of the clinics. I've noticed a lot have gone, leaving very few competitors and now you've got the vampires where you want them. Your sales are high; your donations are high. The cost to run the place is low because you've reduced staff. Where have they all gone Linus? You've got Rita working all these hours by herself, you've reduced it down to two nurses and no doctor which is illegal just by the way." I squinted at him. "So why the cost Linus, why are we paying so much for this blood?"

"It's always about the money Ronnie, you know that. I have shareholders to keep happy. Cut costs, keep the dollars flowing in."

"Well that's not good enough. I want a fixed price for my coven and I want your father to loosen the restrictions over the club. And don't bother with the looks Linus, I know you've managed to get your name onto the entry list to the club so pick up that phone now."

I looked at Sid as Linus rang his father. He smirked at me, happy in knowing that I could get what I wanted, Linus always was a sucker for giving in to me. If I had asked him for something being all kind and sweet, I would get refused but bring out the harsh and direct tone and I could have him on his knees begging me to take him back.

"It's done. You have your restrictions lifted for the club and only the club. My father will not stand in the way of further requests."

"Thanks." I grinned at him "Now the set price. Based on your cost to produce a bag I am willing to allow a ten percent margin."

"Ten?" he sputters "Twenty minimum."

I looked at him with an air of smugness, wondering how long it would take him to cave.

"Ten and I'll get your name on the VIP list."

His eyes widened as a curl crept into the corner of his mouth.

Alpha and the MasterWhere stories live. Discover now