We didn't hear another peep out of Sid as he continued to make something in the kitchen. I was trying to be optimistic about what he was making for dinner. He was going to follow the recipe; he was going to taste it as he went along. Hopefully by the end of it, the vampire that hadn't cooked a meal in eight hundred years and hadn't eaten a proper meal in just as long would create something amazing. After an hour of Cody and his training he finally left us in peace. Sid wasn't lurking by the doorway as he said goodbye but I knew he was near.

"Full moon tomorrow my lady." Cody grinned deviously "I look forward to running with you."

"Good night Cody."

He nodded once and turned to the door, striding through the corridor to the stairs, slowly sinking into the darkness below. As I closed the door, I could feel Sid move closer, his steps while they were soft on the wood floor were still very clear and crisp to me.

"You're running tomorrow night?"

"Yes, Phil and Leon have recommended that I not keep her in any more. Running with my pack will help her calm down."

"Ronnie, please... I've learned the lesson; it won't happen again. I don't want you out there with them, they all hate me now because of it, they won't stop now, the claim will mean nothing to them."

"The claim might not stop them but your wife will. Maybe you need to trust me."

Dinner was supposed to be a quiet and romantic dinner, except that Kayla had woken and was very clingy and Dylan was tearing around the house like he was high on sugar. This was the lead up to full moon, he didn't have control of his wolf yet and it took over making one crazy kid for twenty-four hours beforehand. I had no control over him either, that was until a plate full of lasagne was put on the table for him. He stopped abruptly and turned his head, in an instant he was at the table eating his meal quietly. Sid was shocked as he watched him, so well behaved, so quiet. He had spent so long in that damned club that he saw little of what really went on around here. Even Kayla had become less clingy when the plate was put on the table in front of her high chair. She accepted being put into it and even though most of the meal was all over her, she managed to eat a fair amount of it. I looked at the plate, not one of her plastic ones Sid had used a normal plate. Saying nothing, I continued to eat my meal and hoped that she didn't drop it to the ground. He had also put a small serving of lasagne on the plate for her. Again I said nothing, knowing he knew nothing about his own children or the fact that she was barely eating solid foods. This was going to be an interesting meal. Things had been going rather well until Kayla managed to throw food at her father. Well, she didn't do it intentionally, it was more a flail of the arm and food happened to be in her hand. So his precious Armani shirt was covered in sauce and pasta, dripping down the front of it. Dylan giggled and Kayla continued her gurgling screeching.

I left the pasta man to clean the kitchen as I took one dinner covered child and one clean child to the bathroom. Water splashed everywhere as Kayla continued her baby talk in the tub. Dylan sat and played with his scuba man ignoring his sister and the bits of pasta floating in the tub. She was the sweetest little girl, thin brown hair with big brown eyes. The teething ring was being given hell as she chomped away at it, slobbering and smacking it into the water. I rested my arm along the edge of the tub in front of me, laying my head onto it, trailing my fingers through the warm water. Quietly singing the words to a sad song. I thought we were alone until Dylan called out to his father, I turned to see an empty doorway.

"Was daddy there?" I whispered.

He nodded at me and continued to play with his scuba man.


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