"The kids?"

He nodded ruefully and I couldn't help but cry. I was a monster.

"Now, now my dear..." Leon patted my back "It is not wise to think so morbidly. I am yet to see someone kill their family in an enraged attack."

"So it's not just me that does this?"

"No, all wolves are like this." Phil said dryly.

"How do you not end up killing everyone?"

"Don't piss us off." he grinned like it was that simple "It takes a lot to get to that point Ronnie. You were tired from a lack of sleep, you're always complaining about the wolf and vampire giving you hell, you don't run with your pack, you don't let the wolf out. Hell, you don't even mate with a wolf."

"And that makes a difference?" I snapped at him.

"To the wolf it does. She knows that you're bedding a vampire. You might find that wolf will get along with the vampire on occasions but that doesn't mean she's happy that you're mating with one."

"Well she can get used to it. I'm not going to have an argument with Sid about my inner wolf wanting a wolf lover. He's already accused me of being a hypocrite once, I don't need it again."

"That's fine Ronnie, I'm just telling you the problems as I see it. How you chose to live your life is of no concern to me. But maybe you should do as we suggest, run with the pack at full moon, turn and let her out. Go for a run with Dylan, he misses you so much when you don't come out."

"Fine." I sighed.

"Great." Phil grinned "Now while you're here, you can sign off on these new wolves."

"How many?"

"A married couple and their adult son. As an added bonus the son is a barman and will fit in nicely to the opening that Sid has managed to create."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the documents.

"Have you met with them?"

"Yes, they come highly recommended from their current pack. At least there's no trying to hide any untoward nastiness like the last recommendation."

I remembered them with a lot of distaste. A pack from another country had been trying to find them a new pack because the daughter had been fraternising with the alpha's married son. She was a trouble maker, trying to blackmail him, threatening to say that she wasn't a willing participant of their encounters. Phil didn't want that kind of trouble maker in our pack and refused them without even bringing them to my attention until after he had sent the refusal.

"So the married couple and a son, why are they coming here?"

"The husband has been offered a lucrative job transfer. So good is this transfer that not only can he afford to contribute to the pack, he pays the human government taxes and still has money to burn."

"The wife?"

"She isn't working as she and the husband are waiting to conceive another child. At present she devotes herself to charity work for the poorer wolf families."

"Well she isn't going to find much of that here." I said dryly.

"She can contribute into my pack if you like." Leon interrupts.

"If you are happy with that, then it's fine by me. What about the son, have you spoken to Sid about him working downstairs?"

"Frankly Veronica, I couldn't give a shit what Sid thinks. He should consider himself lucky he hasn't had my team here ripping him a new hole."

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