See You

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Logan P.O.V.

   It gets very lonely in a house with any people in it at night. Brendon's at his house, Mamba's out doing stuff with his other friends. And Lidiya. I have no idea. She's just not here.

   And it's not like I have a girlfriend to keep me company. Well I did.


   We broke up a while back. 6 months and 3 days to be exact. I started to count the nights of lonely sleeping after our break up. It was a really stupid reason, too. We started fighting because I threw a stack of plates on the ground. She was mad because I kept making dents in the floors and cabinets. Which cost both of us money to replace once we actually get kicked out of here for good. But, the problem is. I should've just stopped. It didn't go through my mind at the time that breaking plates was so dangerous until I forgot a piece of plate on the ground and it cut the underside of my foot.

   But the point is that if I would've listened to (Y/n), she might be here right now. But instead I didn't. And I miss her so much. I still follow her on Instagram because I just want to see her. But I need more. I need to hold her. Kiss her. Love her. But I fucked up because I'm so damn stupid.

   And that brings us to now. I'm bored. It's 9:30 P.M. and who goes to bed at that time on a Friday night. I need to get my head straight. Might as well go get food.

Time skipperdoodledonkey

No. No. No. Please, god, no.

Tell me that isn't her. Please just tell me that isn't her. She can't be with a new man. No. She can't. She hasn't seen me yet and I want to keep it that way. I have tears streaming down my face. She can't see me like this. I got to get out of here.

Time skip to cribo

I can't. Stop. Crying. She was with a new man. How? Maybe she doesn't love me anymore. But...

I love her.

She smiled her perfect, beautiful smile at him with those beautiful eyes like she use to do to me. She wrapped her arms around his arm and held it tightly as if not to let go like she use to do to me. She laid her head down on his shoulder like she use to do to me. She kissed his lips.

Like she use to do to me.

I can't hold it in. I just. Can't.

"God, (Y/n)! Please come back to me" I whined into thin air. "I know I fucked up. I know I should've listened to you. I'm sorry! Just please come back because I love you. And I just need to see you.

I just need to see you."

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