Sacrifice Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist a good eavesdrop. I promise I'm trying to help Lukas."
"So, how is this Atlas get gonna work anyhow?" Petra asks.
"Well, the Atlas isn't exactly mine to give. It belongs to the other 'Old Builders' " Harper explains.

"And, well, they might not want to give it up..."
"But you'll help us right?" Jesse asks.
"I'll do what I can."
Just then they reach the top, a double door in front of them.
"Um Lukas?"

"Oh right right" Lukas sets her down.
"Thanks for doing that Lukas."
Jesse then takes a closer look at the door.
"A door? Like, a regular door?" Jesse questions.

"Time to step through and find out." Harper suggests.
Jesse opens the door being blinded by a white light.
"Before you go in there I have one more piece of advice: Don't die!"
"What-" Then Harper pushes them all down.

As they were falling, Lukas saw Jesse near him, he pushed his weight over to her and caught her so she wouldn't get hurt during the fall.
"I got you Jesse!" He said.
They land, Lukas falls backwards with Jesse on top, he helps her up as the others fall around them.

They look around and are surprised to see utter chaos, TNT explosions, People running around holding shovels, they were standing on snow.
"Wellll what do we have here?" A man in a purple suit questions loud enough for everyone to hear.
"It seems as if some new competitors have entered the match." Petra takes this moment to draw her sword.

"My, isn't this special?" A blue haired announcer chimes in.
"Whatever you do, don't stand still too long!" Jesse suggests.
"Those big beefy dudes up there seem to be aiming for us!"
Just then a pink haired one throws TNT down near them.
"Hang on! I just realized what this reminds me of, Spleef!" Lukas chimes in.
"Gesundheit?" Ivor asks.

"No, it's a game! You try to knock the floor out from other people to make them fall." Lukas explains.
Just then a guy in a green jumpsuit starts running towards Jesse shovel raised in the air "be like Tiiiim!" Jesse didn't have enough time to react, so Lukas tackles her out of the way. Jesse nods a thank you then looks down at the hole, there is lava covered in glass. Then the person from before charges at Jesse again, this time she's ready.

She draws her sword and slashes at him and he falls down and gets crushed by pistons. Jesse was a little freaked out by this, but tried to keep her cool.
"Argh! That was my only decent teammate!" Jesse hears a girl groan.
The girl then runs over to where Petra is and starts digging around her.
Nearby, Ivor is being shot at by flaming arrows, he starts jumping up and down trying not to get burned.

"Ooops. Did Facemeat drop something?" As a beefy man throws TNT towards Lukas and Jesse. Jesse hears his attack and pushes Lukas out of the way sent flying as she hits the ground, obviously injured. She slowly stands back up as quick as she can as she looks to Lukas who has a worried look on his face. She gives a weak smile to show she's ok.

"Jesse! Jesse Help!" Petra screams, being surrounded by people digging up her ground.
"Little help?" Jesse looks towards Ivor who is also in grave danger, she was scared, what should she do?
"I'll get Ivor! Lukas grab Petra quick!" Jesse orders as they separate.
Jesse dodges arrows and shovels as she grabs Ivor and pushes them both out of the way. "Thank you Jesse! I couldn't have done it without you!"
Jesse and Ivor look over at Lukas and Petra, as Lukas falls onto Petra, and a girl with dreadlocks shovels the ground below them and they both fall.

Jesse's eyes open wide as she runs over to where they used to be and looks down "LUKAS!! PETRA!!" She yells in a panic.
Lukas looks up at her "Jesse! I-" then they both get crushed.
Jesse drops her sword beside her. She keeps looking down at the scene before her, her breathing has gotten faster, her entire body was shaking. She falls to her knees, still looking at their inventory sprawled over the glass covered lava.

Sacrifice: A Lukesse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now