"Come in." Kate come with a cup of my drink and place it on my coffee table. She then take her seat on one of the couch in front of me.

""Didn't you have anything to do little girl?" I ask her while working my dress. Didn't even to look at her who is crossing leg while looking at me.

"Hum i have finished mine yesterday." She sigh and leans back on the couch.

I put down the soft blue lace i am holding and make my to the couch where Kate is sitting. Her head leans comfortably and her eyes close shut.

"Is there any problem?" I ask because Kate is a type of person who usually come to me when i am busy like just now like she will always bother me and make end up put the dress away a bit listen to whatever she wants to talk about mostly about her favourite artist which is the famous rapper in Seoul, Min Suga.

She open her eyes and look at me while holding my hands softly. "How do you feel when Jin oppa propose you before? I mean do you feel happy?" I shook my head "Wait why so sudden? Or are you're telling me that Harry proposed you?" She nodded slowly.

I chuckled "Well let me tell you, I am the happiest and the luckiest woman in this world when Jin proposed me at that moment. I am still feeling the same today and forever because the person you fall in love, the one you needs whenever on your ups and downs will be your forever soulmate. How can you not be happy."

Kate looks down play with my ring on my index finger. "What's wrong actually? Didn't you should be happy about this? " I asked her and she look at me.

"I am scared. I'm scared that i can be a good wife to him when we get marry and i am afraid he will leave me because i am not confident in handling household. I am not like you. You are perfect that's why Jin oppa loves you much." She said while tears started to form in her eyes.

"Listen here Kate, no human in this world are perfect that's why God created us to have a partner in our live." I caressed and wipe her cheeks when the tears roll out.

"You think i am perfect? No i am not. I am not good in cooking like Jin. I am not good in handling household too but there's Jin he knows what to do. He understand me, Us. I am thankful for that. You and Harry also are perfect for each other so be tolerate when handling stuff together. Okay?"

I pull her for a hug and she sobbed. It hurts me to see my one and only sister cry because she feels horrible about herself. I rub her back try to calm her a bit.

She broke the hug. "Thank you and i'm sorry for disturbing you." She said with chuckled.

"Nahh it's okay by the way if you didn't have anything to do, why don't you go cook something for me? I am hungry." I grin showing my white teeth.

"Aye i'll cook a very special dishes for you !" I thanked her and she went off to our small kitchen at the back.

I get up to the couch then a knock on the door surprise me a bit.

"Baby!" Jin out of nowhere peak his head at the door to see whether i am here in this office or not.

"Shera isn't here." I chuckle and open the door for him.

"Oh god who's speaking? Don't disturb me you evil." He said while shooing his hands in the air.

I laughed at his joke and hug him with a long kiss on his left cheek.

He smile then wrapped his arm around my waist and landed a few soft peck on my lips. I smile between the kiss.

"Hey miss me already?" I asked and he keep staring at me.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked again worriedly and put my palm onto his forehead. He's not on fever.

He then pout and i landed a soft kiss on his lips. "I am hungry."

I frown later it turns to a giggle. Hey why i do i even love you Kim SeokJin?

"Kate is making food for us so let me finish my work first then we will go eat okay my Mr. Handsome?" I cupped his face then he do his pout. Again.

"Have you deliver the parcel i asked you?" He nodded while i make my way to my working table. I take the lace and started to sew it on the dress. This lace can's be sew using machine so i need to sew them using my both hands which is kinda hard.

"Thank you darling." I blew a kiss to him thn he capture it and playfully put it in his mouth then gulp it in.

I laugh "what is that for?"

"You need to feed me everyday with your love so that i will not lose some." He said while leans back and crossing his leg on the couch.

I shook my head and continue to do my work.

"Darling, at four we need to go to Mrs. Kim house to take his future daughter in law measurement for her wedding dress."

"Alright then."


Lmao isn't Shera is such a weird name? I am out of idea to use what name for the main character.

This is just a beginning on how the whole conflict will take place so keep on reading ! ❣

I will try to update as fast as i can. 💞

-Author 🐥

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