feelings are Bullshit (Soul bond p2)

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Death had contemplated going back, he still felt, hurt, but after the fifth full body check, there was still no sign of an actual injury. In cases like these, he would just go and talk to Life about it, but that was no longer an option. He didn't want to bring Papyrus into his issues, even though he has heard said god complain about that problem, Death couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, Death did what the only thing he knew how, bottle it up and pretend to be ok so no one asks. A silly idea, but it was the only thing Death was used to. He decided that he would go back, just pretend like they never had that conversation, pretend that he was ok, that everything was ok. In complete honesty, Death knew holding in emotions weakened ones soul, DEF, AT and HP, it was the matter that he no longer cared, no one did really.

As he made his reach towards his scythe but stopped, what about Geno? Sure Death could pretend like nothing happened, but he couldn't just speak to Geno. Maybe he should wait longer, but another part of him beg to differ. Giving in with worry, he opened a portal to the save screen before hopping in. He walked around for a bit, there was a lot to think about, and the worry started to set in.

Death spotted the white blur and smiled, taking a deep breath as he walked up to Geno, no motion. Death sat next to Geno, like he would do normally, "hey Geno how are you?" no reply. Death let his worry sink in, he glanced at Geno noticing the others blank expression, obviously lost in deep thought. "Umm Geno are you-" "why are you here Death" the voice that interrupted him was cold and gravely. "What are you talking about?" Geno finally made a form of motion and looked at Death seriously. "Really? Like you weren't so hurt and upset earlier?" The sentence was sharp and straight forward. "Well I was... But that's ok!" Death tried to be convincing, but to his dismay, Geno knew him too well. "Yea right, Death are you fucking serious" The god blinked before sighing. "Look I just want to forget about that situation. Its obvious that you wish to keep a steady and strong friendship and that's ok..." there was a sigh before both of them flinched. The pain erupted from their souls, it was a quick pain, like a quick pinch. Geno looked back at Death noticing how upset the other was about the entire ordeal. "Death that's not what I wanted to come off as... I want to progress and be something more. But I can't stand the idea of losing you too." Death flinched again, this time drawing in a sharp breath. "I don't understand" Geno looked at Death for a bit, "You can't lose me, I can't die. Its very hard to kill a god. Only other gods can do that. Or if someone was strong enough, but that's just a myth." Geno looked away. It was true, killing a god was quite the task. But that didn't make it impossible. "I can still lose you" Death just looked down. He was lost, this isn't what he wanted.

The silence filled the air, it wasn't comfortable at all. Geno glanced around, the silence was beginning to become unbearable. He glanced back at Death, seeing the smaller skeleton lost in thought. As if Death were looking for something to say. "You know, its really pointless." Geno blinked, that voice didn't seem to belong to Death, it was more hollow and empty. Death looked at Geno, eyes dark and dull. "I get it ok? I get that you lost someone, but so did I. You're the only person to have ever believed in me. You are the only one who thinks I'm not an entirely bad person. You're the only one who I can actually talk to without feeling like I'm crazy. Geno, You're the only one to care for me, when I lost Life, everyone blamed me for it, the only one who didn't was Paps, but I could never let him know how much it hurt. I couldn't bring him into it either but it happened anyways. You have been my only escape and I don't care if you think you could lose me. If what I feel is "love" then you bet your ass that I will never let that go." Death took jagged breaths, tears streaming down his face, which was flushed a light blue.

Geno was take aback, he had always tried to get this information out of Death, and this is how it happened. Geno took a deep breath, Death was right, it was time to move on anyways. "You know it won't be easy" Geno spoke, he watched Death nod, wiping the tears off his face. Geno sighed as he moved closer to Death, he gently moved Death's hands from his face, he pulled his sleeves over his hands and gently wiped the tears from his face. He then moved his hands and intertwined them with Death's, resting his forehead against the others.

Death blinked in confusion, "what are you doing?" Geno smiled, "showing you love" the pain in their souls stopped. A humble warmth replaced it instead.

BAM!! Done, sorry for how long it took, I was struggling on how I should write this. But here you are. Now I have to work on My sunshine which I have been meaning to work on for a bit. ))

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