Timmy Xu/Xu Weizhou-Between Us (pinyin/english translation)

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Timmy Xu-Between Us

Wǒ jìdé bù yán bù yǔ shì mòqì de gǎnjué

hái jìdé měi gè yǒu nǐ zài de nuǎn nuǎn kōngjiān

ér xiànzài zhè yīqiè dōu yǐ biànchéng huíyì

wǒ bù xiāngxìn zhè shùnjiān dōu diāolíng

láibují zhīdào yǒu nǐ péibàn wǒ duō xìngyùn

wǒ quèdìng suǒyǒu de qíngxù quándōu néng zhèngmíng

ér xiànzài xīwàng tīngjiàn nǐ de shēngyīn

zhēnxīn wúfǎ bǎ kòng wǒ de qīngxǐng

bǎ xiǎng nǐ biàn yībàn

lìng yībàn shì nǐ de hūhuàn

xiǎng péibàn zhè huíyì

shíjiān fǎngfú tài wǎn

wǒ sīniàn zhè qiān ban

xīn hǎo suān yíwàng biàn dé hǎo nán

xìnshìdàndàn què shì gūdān

wǒ jìdé bù yán bù yǔ shì mòqì de gǎnjué

hái jìdé měi gè yǒu nǐ zài de nuǎn nuǎn kōngjiān

ér xiànzài zhè yīqiè dōu yǐ biànchéng huíyì

wǒ bù xiāngxìn zhè shùnjiān dōu diāolíng

bǎ xiǎng nǐ biàn yībàn

lìng yībàn shì nǐ de hūhuàn

xiǎng péibàn zhè huíyì

shíjiān fǎngfú tài wǎn

wǒ sīniàn zhè qiān ban

xīn hǎo suān yíwàng biàn dé hǎo nán

xìnshìdàndàn què shì gūdān

láibují zhīdào yǒu nǐ péibàn wǒ duō xìngyùn

wǒ quèdìng suǒyǒu de qíngxù quándōu néng zhèngmíng

ér xiànzài xīwàng tīngjiàn nǐ de shēngyīn

zhēnxīn wúfǎ bǎ kòng wǒ de qīngxǐng

bǎ xiǎng nǐ biàn yībàn

lìng yībàn shì nǐ de hūhuàn

xiǎng péibàn zhè huíyì

shíjiān fǎngfú tài wǎn

wǒ sīniàn zhè qiān ban

xīn hǎo suān yíwàng biàn dé hǎo nán

xìnshìdàndàn què shì gūdān

nǐ de wéixiào ràng wǒ shìhuái

 English Translation

I remember the feeling of no words is a tacit understanding

Remember every warm room you have

And now all this has become a memory

I do not believe that this moment is withered

I can not know how lucky you are with me

I'm sure all the emotions can prove

And now hope to hear your voice

Really can not control me sober

To make you half the other half is your call

Want to accompany this memories as if too late

I miss this worry about it

Vowed to be alone

I remember the feeling of no words is a tacit understanding

Remember every warm room you have

And now all this has become a memory

I do not believe that this moment is withered

To make you half the other half is your call

Want to accompany this memories as if too late

I miss this worry about it

Vowed to be alone

I can not know how lucky you are with me

I'm sure all the emotions can prove

And now hope to hear your voice

Really can not control me sober

To make you half the other half is your call

Want to accompany this memories as if too late

I miss this worry about it

Vowed to be alone

Your smile let me go

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