
A few weeks had passed and they were in a new year. Remi did not feel refreshed and renewed as many claimed to feel when starting a new year. The thing she wanted the most she left back in 2017. The publishers had loved the book and being that the book was so anticipated, the whole process was put into overdrive as they tried to get the book out to fans as soon as they could.

As happy as Remi was that she had finished the book, it also made her sad. It was a reminder of what she so quickly let slip through her fingers. If she had ended the book the way that the real-life inspiration had ended, people would not have been near as happy.

"Honey, I'm home...." Remi jokingly called to her empty apartment as she threw her keys and purse down onto the island. Coming home to an empty house was getting old, and she thought of Chance and hoped he was keeping Ender company.

After a quick shower, she changed into her pajamas, throwing on Ender's flannel like a robe. This was her nightly routine, and it had been since the first night she got back from the cabin. It had lost Ender's scent long ago, but it still gave her comfort just knowing it was his.

The other part of her nightly routine, she was a little ashamed of. She pulled out her phone and went to Instagram, pulling up Ender's page. She had given into the temptation a week or so ago, scared of what she may find. She didn't think Ender was the type that would already have another girl, but every day while she waiting for his page to load, she had to give herself a pep talk and tell herself that she would be okay, no matter what. Deep down, though, she knew without Ender in her life she would never be okay.

Remi stood up and grabbed the wooden ornament Ender had made her for Christmas. She felt like it was time. Pulling up Google Translate she typed in the words that Ender had scribbled onto the ornament.

"Arriesgarse. No tengas miedo de caer, te atrapare."

Take a chance. Do not be afraid to fall, I will catch you.

She held the ornament to her chest, smiling through tears. She went back to Instagram and pulled up his page, clicking the "follow" button, hoping that her first baby step towards being ready would not go unnoticed.


Ender got home from his evening walk with Chance and threw his keys onto the island as he hung Chance's leash on the hook by the door.

"Home sweet home, Chance. Let's get you some dinner and we can watch some basketball."

Ender poured food into Chance's bowl and headed to shower and get ready to wind down for the night. It was nice to have Chance with him because he wasn't sure he could come home to an empty house.

After a quick shower, he put on his sweatpants and lounged on the couch watching basketball. This had pretty much been his nightly routine when he was home. The other part of his nightly routine, he was a little ashamed of. He grabbed his phone off of the table and pulled up Instagram, ignoring all of the notifications he had and going straight to Remi's page. He had found her page shortly after getting home and he checked in every night. There was nothing new that day, the last post being a sneak peek of her book cover from a few days ago. He had considered following her, but he truly did want to give her space if that is what she wanted and needed.

Chance let out a sigh and rested his head on Ender's outstretched leg. "I know, buddy, I miss her too. I promise you, I'm going to get your momma back."

Chance looked away and hid his nose under his paws before he stood up and went to sit in a completely different chair.

"Are you mad at me?" Ender asked, getting the feeling that his dog was judging him. Truth be told, he didn't blame Chance. He wasn't sure the protocol for giving someone time and space, but he was sure he had far surpassed it. Chance tilted his head and gave Ender a look that he could only assume meant yes.

"Ok, since you are such an expert on this matter, what exactly am I supposed to do? Just show up at her house in Miami and hope she wants to see me?" Ender had thought it through many days. He was fairly sure he could find out where she lived if he could get in contact with her boss, but he wasn't sure that was the best way to approach it. Should he try and email her? Her email was on the website of her company.

Chance barked as if he knew what Ender was thinking. "No, you're right buddy. I need to do this in person. Maybe I will take Ozzie up on his offer to road trip with me to Miami right before Spring Training."

Ender was due to leave for Orlando the following week. His brother, Astolfo, had offered to keep Chance for him while he was gone. He was ready to get back to playing, ready to have something to focus his time and energy on. He just wished he had his girl by his side to experience it all with. He was envious of the other guys now that he had met someone. Before Remi, he had not given a second thought to the guys with wives or girlfriends talking about what it was like having their significant other in the stands watching them, but now he wanted and craved that feeling. He wanted to go out and get 200 hits again and have her watching every single one of them. He wanted her there when they won, and he wanted her there when they lost as well.

In short, he knew that the only thing he wanted that season, more than a repeat World Series win, was having Remi in his life. It was time to go get his girl, he just had to work out the details.

Wait Another Day (Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now