Shaking her head she went down and here Raghu chuckled. He was doing like a bride. Keeping the perfume, he walked to the door. But then he came back and sprayed very mildly and rushed down.

He jumped the steps and came down and saw that all the seats were full and Parthavi sitting beside his mother with all the rights. He looked around and then saw her raising her brow. He turned and saw some space beside Prabha and he went there.

"Hello Aunty. May I?"

He could see that she was taken aback. But then she nodded and made space for him. And he smiled at Bhoomi and chuckled at Ditvi who made a go for him squealing. He took and made her comfortable on his lap and played with her.

Parthavi smiled at the ease with which he handled Ditvi. Someone pulled her hand and she turned to see Prasiddhi offering her a laddoo. Chuckling she made her sit on her lap and took the sweet and fed her too. Raghu smiled looking down shaking his head. Bhoomi and Prithvi shoulder dashed each other and smiled.

"Nanna.. Nandhu. Why don't you show her around if her parents don't mind?"


Prabha and Hariharan smiled giving permission. Bhoomi and Prithvi went to Parthavi and leaned to her ears.

"You will not get such chances always. Vaaduko"

Parthavi glared at them and was about to get up when she saw Prabhav smiling cutely at her. She looked around and saw Raghu taking Ditvi in his arms after taking Bhoomi's permission. Well, when Prabhav and Ditvi were there, why will Prasiddhi stay back? She too tagged along her Mama.

They both along with kids, went up and went to the balcony. But it was not good season to sit there as it was raining.

"Ahh! Varsham"

"Em? Meeku Varsham ante padatha? Don't you like Rain?"

"I like. But right now, its timing is off. Where will I take you?"

"Well.. this is your home. Don't you have any other place?"


He should have known this. Parthavi.. Just like her name was not usual girls after all. Not that he had much experience.

"My room?"

"I don't think its going to be scandalous with these three with us"

Shaking his head he walked to his room with Ditvi in his arms and Parthavi followed with Prabhav in her arms and holding Prasiddhi with other arm.

They settled in his room. Prabhav immediately made a go for Raghu's mobile. Prasiddhi took to his computer and got busy while Ditvi was happily snoozing. He laid her on his bed and covered her sides with pillow. Parthavi smiled.

Sighing Parthavi looked around and saw the room was tasteful as well.

"Nice room"


"For just coming for the weekends your room is comparatively neat."

He looked around to see books, headphones, laptop all scattered around and scratched his head. Seeing this Parthavi smiled.

"Well. I am worse!"

"Did not look so"

"My house and room were neatened for this Maharaja's arrival!"

She said making him chuckle.

"And I felt you were too neat!"

"Not at all. I am plain lazy"

"Me too"

"I can see"

Both looked and laughed. They were different yet alike.

"So Architect garu inta varaku em goppa pani chesaru?"

"Nothing great. Just the usual. Apartments, kitchens and interior Decorations. For now the biggest thing will be to have a beautiful girl in my arms"

Parthavi's eyes widened. Then she saw him take Ditvi in his arms who woke up and looked around. She was about to wail when he consoled her and put her back to sleep.

"So natural!"

"Prasiddhi and Prabhav tho training icharu Annaiya akka!"

Parthavi giggled.

"Still, it takes interest to stay with a baby."

"Maybe I like having kids around"


"You don't like?"

"I like.. Maybe not now?"

Raghu's face changed a little but he smiled again.

"Good! It will be good to.."

"3 kids!"

Even she did not know why she said that. She always liked kids and wanted 3 for herself. But not immediately. But looking at his face and the way he accepted, made her say this.

"Excuse me?"

"I want 3 kids."



"All boys?"

"No! Combination doesnt matter but I want both"

"Seriously 3?"

"Why are you so shocked?"

"Shocked kadu. Surprised!"


"I always wanted 3 kids for myself"

Parthavi choked. What was happening here?

At the precise moment they saw Bhoomi and Shantha entering there grinning.

"Ahem! Bhoomi.. Did you hear anything?"

"No! Definitely I did not hear the number 3"




Both said in unison and looked at each other and then turned away smiling.

"Come down. Your Nishchayadarta date is getting fixed."

"Yes Raghu! You can have her in this room for life long. But now.."

"Akka! Chaalu! Padha!"

Giggling both went down driving the kids along. And Bhoomi left Ditvi on Parthavi's insistence.

"Shall we?"


But Raghu wanted her mobile number. He did not know if he should ask..


Raghu's eyes widened.

"We are getting engaged Mr. RAghunandhu! So why the eyes widening? And give me a message from your number with your name."

This woman..!

"Don't worry. Will drive you crazy"

And she went to the door with Ditvi in her arms. RAghu chuckled shaking his head. She turned.

"If you are done shaking your head like a bull, please come!"

Now laughing he followed her. Their engagement was fixed on a date that was 2 months away and coming to wedding dates, they were given choice and it was decided that the wedding date will be fixed later seeing everyone's convenience.

This time, Parthavi looked from the car door to see RAghu standing there with his hands in his pant pockets and his eyes not leaving hers. She smiled. He smiled too. She without waving her hand got in the car and he stood watching as the car left their Madhurawada home. 

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