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"Dude, it's not fucking rocket science." Wyatt yelled. "What stage is it in?"

"Hop off, this is hard." Jaeden yelled back.

"I'm going to fail biology again because of you." Wyatt groaned.

"I can hear you guys from upstairs." I chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

"Mr. Ocean Eyes over here can't identify the cell stages." Wyatt sighed.

I giggled. "Hey, aren't Jack and Finn supposed to help you guys on the project?" I asked.

"I'm taking a break." I turned to see Jack on the couch, eating a sandwich.

"Eat my ass you've been taking a break since we got here." Jaeden said throwing a piece of cardboard at him.

"What time?" Jack winked.

"Then where's Finn?" I asked Wyatt.

"He said he'd be here in a couple minutes." Wyatt looked at the clock.

"He's going to get here right before we finish the project. Finn's like a dog, he has no concept of time." Jack took another bite out of his sandwich.

"What do you mean 'we?' You haven't done anything since you got here." Wyatt wrote something down on his paper.

"I'm here for moral support, hun." Jack smiled.

Just then the door opened.

"Hey guys." Finn walked over to the table. "Hi, Y/N."

"Dude where were you, we started the project two hours ago." Jaeden asked.

"I was busy." He shrugged.

Finn's POV

"C'mon you guys can't leave already." I said.

"Dude my mom said if I was late for dinner again she was gonna sell my Play Station. I have like five seconds to get home." Jack slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I've been getting home really late too." Jaeden added.

As they walked out, I sat on the couch, wishing I could go home too.

I waited for Wyatt, hoping he'd let me spend the night.

He always did.

"Hey man, shouldn't you be heading home?" Wyatt yawned. "I'm not trying to kick you out or anything, I just know your mom worries."

"Can I actually spend the night here?" This wasn't my first time asking Wyatt to stay at his house, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing for me.

"Oh. Yeah, that's fine." He nodded. The look on his face told me he understood.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Let me just go get you some blankets." Wyatt turned, running upstairs to his room.

Wyatt never really asks questions when I stay at his house. He already knows. There were nights in the past where he did ask what was going on at home and I'd tell him. I've spent weeks at his house and he never asked me for anything in return, the least I could do was answer some questions.

"Here," Wyatt handed me some blankets and a pillow.

"You gonna be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I nodded.

"Do you want to talk?" I knew Wyatt worried about me. A lot. Almost as much as Y/N.

I know his concern comes from a good place but I can't help but feel guilty watching him stress over me. He already has a tough time watching over himself and Y/N all the time since their parents are always away on business trips, he doesn't need something else keeping him up at night.

"I'm good, thanks man." I smiled.

"Well, if you need anything, I'll be upstairs. 'Night." Wyatt walked back upstairs and into his room.

I laid down and got comfortable, playing with a loose thread on the pillow case.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a door open. I sat up, thinking it was Wyatt.

But it was Y/N.

"Hey." I whispered. She yelped.

"Shit, Finn." She held her hand to her chest.

"Didn't mean to scare you" I chuckled.

"Oh were you sleeping? I'll-"

"No, um, I was awake, it's fine." I assured her.

"It's just that I usually come down here and read until I get tired." She played with her hands.

"Well you have company now." I smiled.

"No, you're probably really tired and it's getting late-"

"It's fine, really." I laughed.

"You don't mind?" She asked.

"Not at all." I shook my head. She sat down next to me and told me about the new book she had been reading.

As cheesy as it sounds, I feel like I could listen to this girl talk for hours. Doesn't matter about what, as long as I get to see that little sparkle in her eyes.

it's back :)

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