I Found My Best Friend

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Laura: When I first got here, I felt so alone. Didn't know how can I survive for so long without friends.. Even though showbiz always keeps you company, but at the end of the day you need a real friend or family.

In this crowd of glamour world where I've lost and found many people that I thought I was close to, I didn't know I would find another  familiar face so fast and that too so different and who gives a 'close to the heart' feeling. We've never met before Orange and suddenly in a few days we were like best friends. Hanging out I'm a bar, having dinners, night outs and that night in the club, I was so drunk that see had to take me home immediately. She didn't only gave me a ride home but also took me to my bedroom.
I don't know why I asked her to stay that night, May be cause I was drunk but she had to go. Because we both have to get back to work early morning and she needed some stuffs back at her place. Anyways, on her way out she advised to make some lemonade and drink immediately so that I can wake up early tomorrow without a hangover.

Taylor: was I suppose to stay. Shit! I should've stayed at least until she fell asleep. What was I thinking?  Why can't I think straight when I'm with her?! I should call to check if she's ok.
"Hey it's Laura, leave a message". I disconnected and fell asleep.

Next day she came a little late, but fresh, confident and vibrant as always. I asked if she's doing ok. She said yes. I'm cool. Thanks for your lemonade advise. I smiled.

We were about to shoot the last scene of episode 9 of season 1, another lovemaking scene with Laura.

After kissing her every single time I feel more attracted to her and closer to her.  I just don't wanna be without her.

Mysterious effect of LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora