His arrogance had seeped its way into his bloodstream, almost becoming part of his biology. Logan couldn't help but act that way, almost as if it was a natural human function that was uncontrollable.

"Savannah," I say harshly, hardening both my voice and my gaze. "No."

Savannah just looks down at her feet, and her hands are clasped in front of her. I'm looking down at the top of her head, and I reach out and begin to stroke her hair.

"I don't want you to go." I add, shaking my head in disagreement.

"Brendan, please. Hear me out." Savannah mewls, and she's so quiet that I almost miss what she said.

This is an argument that I'm definitely not afraid to have with her. I'm not going to let her try and convince me to go see that miserable son of bitch being buried. I won't sit there and listen to his relatives try hiding all of the horrible things he has done with meaningless stories and memories from his childhood.

"Savannah, hear me out. We aren't going to the funeral. I don't care what Anthony said or did. We aren't going, and that's final."

She needs to understand why going to his funeral is an extremely stupid move, and if I have to enforce that in her head as harshly as possible, then I will.

Savannah has been doing so well in terms of moving on from Logan and that whole part of her life, so I don't want her reverting back into it by going to his funeral.

"Brendan, can I please get a word in?!" Savannah suddenly exclaims, and the tone in her voice startles me.

Her voice is hard, almost as if she's a parent scolding me. It's almost as if some slight anger that was resting inside of her was just yanked out of her body like a tooth. She finally looks up at me, and she glares at me with those green eyes.

The slight desire behind her stare causes my blood to warm up, but once her eyebrows become furrowed over her eyes, it's like I've seen an indescribable type of anger.

"I am tired of being told what to do with my own life. Now if you just listen to me, maybe you'll hear what I'm actually going to do." Savannah chastises.

I cross my arms, and raising my eyebrows at her, waiting for her explanation. I'm genuinely curious to know why she thinks we should go to the funeral.

"First of all, I make my own choices. Anthony didn't influence it at all, and I'm sick and tired of everybody acting like I can't think for myself." Savannah says angrily, and there's a faint growl behind each word she says, and it's like the anger is building.

"I never said that you—"

"Listen to me!" Savannah shouts.

Instantly, my mouth closes and I just look down at her. I'm willing to listen to what she has to say. Although I'm slightly disappointed in her wanting to go to the funeral, I'll still allow her to say what's in her head.

"Brendan, I'm not even going to the funeral to pay respects. I'm going to that my final words can be said to him, and I've been wanting to say this to him for so long."

I understand what she's saying now. Before he died, she never really got to say what she's been wanting to say to him. She never really got to express her hatred. It's still built inside of her, and once she says these words to Logan, she'll finally be at peace.

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