Chapter 1

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narrator: A’veave

I had not originally planned to join the resistance. In fact, I was bent on just the opposite. I avoided any affiliation with a rumored ‘resistor.’ It tore apart my family. My father led a ‘Peaceful resistance.’ It didn’t go too well. He was arrested and hanged a week later. Two of my Brothers resisted as well. They were arrested and sentenced to life without parole. In order to prove her loyalty, mother was forced to work as a factory hand.

She did all the odd jobs. For instance, when a factory line worker passed out from exhaustion she would take their place until a replacement could be reached. Factory workers where ex-members or family members of the resistance. Mother had it good just being a hand. There was a fifty-fifty chance of her either working the factory line or a cook in the kitchens.

I still had to be assigned a job. Jobs are assigned or chosen at the ceremony every year on the 12th of May of each person’s 16th year. My year had come. My mother was nervous I would be assigned factory work like everyone else in our city. She coached me weeks in advance to say the right thing.

“A’veave, What are you going to say when they ask about your family and their occupations?” Mother asked.

“ I had planned on saying My father is deceased and my brothers are unemployed. My mother volunteered to be a factory hand for Serpinteane.”

“ when they ask how your father died.”

“He was hanged for his crimes against Serpinteane.” my face creased at the thought of my father’s death.

“NO! you must show no emotion when they talk to you. You must be as cold and heartless as them. Be happy your father is dead.”

“Yes, mother.” I set my face to stone as I had always imagined the government workers’ to be.

“Thats better. Now that we have the hard part for you out of the way lets move on. When they ask you hair colors of your family members?”

“Why would they want to know that?” I asked.

“For breeding when you turn 21 but you don’t need to worry about that now. Your answer?” mother’s voice never changed emotions.

“ My mother is a Brunette and My father was also a Brunette.”

“ No, don’t tell them that! Tell them he was Blond. Now when they ask of schooling?”

“ I was educated in school until the eve of my twelfth year. Then I went to work as a hand on the shipment yards.”

“Do not volunteer information. Just answer the questions they give you. When they asked why you went to work?”  Her wisdom shone and her weariness wore on her.

“To earn my ration card from Serpinteane...” I thought harder but I couldn’t remember what she had told me to say.

“...forever I only serve Serpinteane. I act only for Serpinteane.” she prompted.

“ Right. Sorry! I couldn’t remember.” I shook my head and sat on my hands.

“That is unacceptable. You must remember this! It is important for you if you wish to increase your chances of getting a specialty job.” Mother coached.

“If I get a good job you will be able to retire your job and live with me where I am assigned.”

“Don’t be so naive. A’veave if you get a specialty job like I had then you must forget about me. Forget about city 92 and forget about everything before you where assigned.” This time a hint of anger flashed in her eyes.

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