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Thinking yourself to sleep,
While others eyes are shut.
Thinking these thoughts
That have no ending,
But yet you still think they do.

Dear dreams,
Please come back to me.
Don't send the ones
That keep me up at night,
Or ones that wake me up,
Covered in sweat or tears.
Send the ones,
That make me smile.

Dear eyes,
Please close already.
I can't stand you open
All night long,
Staring at the dark ceiling,
Or walls in my room.

Dear body,
Please stop shifting around
All night long,
Not letting me be able
To get comfortable.
Please find a spot already,
And stop moving.

Dear brain,
Please stop thinking
Too much already.
It's 3am,
And you're still
Talking to yourself.

Dear me,
Stop being this way.
Please get some rest,
And stop spending hours
Staring at the clock
Ticking by.

Dear life,
Why do you
Let me be this way,
And decide not to
Help me? 

The words I keep insideWhere stories live. Discover now