Chapter One - Want

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Dedicated to sweetmissirish

Chapter One - Want

I hated training days - absolutely loathed them - with a burning passion, deep within my screaming muscles.

The stretched tendons scorched under my sun kissed skin, crying out in pain each time I forced them to carry my body deeper into the forest, sprinting at what I thought was a reasonable pace. Branches scratched against my bare skin, my sports bra not protecting my abdominal muscles. I cringed as I felt my skin break open, a small amount of blood festered at the wound. It wasn't serious, I knew that I'd heal in a few minutes, but the abrasion still burned slightly.

I slowed my pace, starting into a slow jog. I felt my heart rate slowing down and I took a deep breath, loving the feeling of my lungs filling with fresh air. The slight breeze cooled my sweat-coated skin, and I felt my leg muscles begin to relax.

Much better.

"You look like you're dying, El!" I rolled my eyes at sarcastic words of my pack mate, Ryan.

I felt a muscular arm wrap around my shoulders, that dragged me into a sweaty chest. I curled my nose in disgust before I shoved him away.

"You're so nasty, Ryan!"

"Oh come on," he said, "You know you want a piece of this!" He gestured to his body and wiggled his thick eyebrows up and down. I scoffed, like every other male wolf, Ryan Watson's ego was ten fold.

I couldn't deny that he was attractive - extremely good looking, at that. He had that All-American appearance, blonde hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build that could suggest that he had been his high school's savior quarterback. But beneath the shell, that's what made me think that Ryan was an all around amazing person. He was kind, and outgoing - the type of person that could make friends with every single person he came across. At the age of nineteen, he had yet to find his mate, but he spoke extremely fond of her - even though he had yet to meet her. I had always admired his excitement and dedication to a woman he hadn't even met. I could only hope that my mate would turn out like him.

"In your dreams, Mr. Watson."

"Every night, Miss Cole." He winked, joking back. "So how are you, Ellie, on a serious note?" His eyes zoned in on the scratch on my stomach, which was no longer even truly there, dried blood only remaining. "What happened, there?"

I rubbed the blood off of my skin, revealing a small scar, one that would probably be gone within the hour. "Who knew tree branches were so sharp?" I shrugged, "It's no big deal. It's already almost healed completely anyways."

Ryan threw me a look. "You of all people know how the Alpha gets when people get injured, especially when you're that person."

"It's not just me!" Another look. "He overreacts anyways," I rolled my eyes, dismissively.

"There's something about you though. I swear to God, when he looks at you sometimes, especially when you're not looking, I can't even describe it. It's full of so many ... emotions."

"I never took you for the poetic type, Ryan."

He glared at me. "I'm serious, El. It's looks of, I don't know, possession. It's like you're his, and his only."

I wanted to be his, God, there wasn't something more in this world that I wanted than to be claimed by him. I felt a warm feeling bubbling in my stomach. It brought me an almost sick amount of joy that someone else had seen the looks he gave me. It gave me hope, proved I wasn't some nutcase - I wasn't sure which one I was more happy about.

"Watson! What the hell are you doing back there? You're holding us up."

I smelt his enticing aroma before I heard his heavy footsteps on solid dirt ground. I felt my muscles unconsciously tighten as I felt him hovering over my head, his large stature casting a shadow on my short frame. His scent was smacking me in the face in waves, with each hit I became weaker in the knees. I bit my lip hard, but not rough enough to draw blood.

The Alpha cleared his throat. "Well?" I didn't dare raise eyes to his, instead choosing to stare at a small rock near the tip of his athletic shoe like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Ryan decided to speak then.

"You see Sir, I was running along with the rest of the pack, like I was supposed to, when I came across Elise here. She was bleeding, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay, to check that she wasn't hurt. " I glared at him as my nails bit the meaty flesh of my palms.

How dare he use me as an excuse?

I glanced up at the Alpha just in time to watch him tilt his face more towards the sky, and take a deep breath in. His emerald eyes slowly turned into pools of black, the pupils taking over, his nostrils flaring.

He moved and in what seemed like in a blink of an eye, was directly in front of me. His eyes scanned my body, every inch of my body was taken into inspection. His eyes zoned in on the scar on my midsection and low growl flared from his lips. Unintentionally I looked to my side for Ryan, who somehow managed to disappear without me noticing. Not that I was really aware of anything when he was around.

"What happened?" His voice rumbled out, the baritone sound warmed me from my core to my toes.

"Tree branch," I mumbled, "A tree branch scraped my stomach. It's no big deal, I'm fine."

Calloused hands cupped my face in a gentle manner and I forced myself not to lean into his touch, which was something I craved with every fiber in my being. "Are you sure?" He questioned me softly, as if he spoke any louder, I would shatter like glass. His fingers grazed my skin in an alluring way, tingles danced where he had touched me so intimately.

I nodded my head at his question, unable to make my mouth form any useable words.

His eyes shone with gentle affection that warmed my heart, unlike the looks of passion that burned me from the inside out. The Alpha looked almost frustrated, like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He nibbled on his deliciously plump lower lip and with one last caress to my cheek, he released me. I pushed back the feeling of emptiness that came at the loss of his touch.

He dove his long fingers into his thick mane of black hair atop his head. Hair that I dreamed about running my fingers through. "Be more careful. Please, Elise, for my sake." He gave me one last look, one that my mind conjured as longing, and walked away without a single glance back.

I sighed, forcing myself to continue on as I broke out into a sprint, much faster than before.



First chapter - yes it's short but I kind of like where I ended it. I might go back and add more later, I don't know.

Let me know what you think!

Not Edited.


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