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   tiannas pov;

  hi my name is tianna and im 15 i have black hair im carmel color and my family dont even get me started im on my way to my friends houses there names are janyha lauren abrianna and me of coures tianna so first i go to janyhas house she comes out and follows me janyha:she has black hair shes 10she is carmel and her family i dont even like ecsept her sisters  so we are walking and we stop at laurens house i knock then she comes out and follows us lauren:she has blond hair she is 14 she is white and her family is so awsome they invite me to some stuff so now were walking to abriannas house so i rayse my hand then all of a sudden lauren says stop ill do the knokin and u do the talkin and so i say no so i knock on the door  she says hold on let me get my shoes on  so were waiting........she comes out abrianna:she has brownish blackish hair she is 15 she is carmel color and her family i hate her brothers they are so anoying so we r walking and  my brother shows up and im like what in the hell do u want he say never fucking mind u fucking im telling fucking mom u bitch ass mother fucker and so we continu walking and my boyfriend shows up and they all say ooooo ur lovy dovey is here and so i say u guys ill be back me and my boyfriend start walking tords his house  and i stop and sayy r we going to u house and he says to have sex and i was like ok and so were in his room getting un dressed and so we start kissing hard and so i look down and  he puts a condom on so he just sticks it in me and i start moaning and he starts lifting me up  as we kiss i moan at the same time then we stop and i get dressed  and go back to my friends and abrianna asks me what did u guy do and they all started to smile in a give me all the detail look and so i tell them what we did there faces looked like   =-0 and i was like maby we should stop worrying about me and go hang out

                    ill probley put some      

                    more on the seventh

                 love all mymunchcins

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