"Look, all I want to do is help with the rebuild, I won't even talk to her." he said adamantly.  "I will give time and labor, then return in a few days." And having already been in the Immortal realm for hours, he had already lost half a year, but knowing how scarce material was in the Mortal Realm, it would take years to rebuild.  Though injured, he needed to hurry if he was to be any help at all.  He would have to return to Kunlun first, but once his senior Disciple knew of his whereabouts, he would leave immediately.

"Just make sure you close down your powers.  She will notice it immediately." he warned him before he left.  Being a High God and The War God, his energy was stronger than most, he had to be careful, because even a mere Mortal would recognize his energy as being of the Immortal Realm, and the Mortals could be even more unforgiving as her, especially when it came to Immortals.


Bai Qian arrived within minutes of Mo Yuans departure, stunning Zhe Yan and instantly raising his ire.  That she had just missed her future husband seemed as if fate were against them, and he had a very good idea as to why she has suddenly chosen to show up now.  But putting the thought aside, he forced her to sit down.  

"Care to tell me what you've been doing in the Mortal Realm?" he asked her shocked face.  He was initially going to pretend he didn't know, but his anger at her sudden disappearance without a word to anyone overruled it.

"How did you know that!" she fired at him.  No one knew where she was.

"It doesn't matter how I know, but you had better have a damn good reason for sending your family across the Realms in search of you." he growled her harshly.  "They have been going crazy, especially your Mother."

Sighing, she knew she was in the wrong.  Her Mother would be frantic, and she deeply felt sorry for it.  But she had been desperate to get away from a marriage she just didn't want to a man she didn't know.  She had initially left to clear her mind and to find a little peace, but she instead found a life she had fallen in love with and now, no longer wished to leave.

Now back in the Immortal World and under Zhe Yans intense glare she began to wither.  "I needed a bit of time to think things through." she answered meekly, trying desperately to avoid eye contact.

Raising his brows at that comment, he couldn't help but scoff at it.  "You needed time to think things though?  Tell me.  Did your family ever cross your mind while you were thinking?" he asked a little softer this time,  to take the sting from his words.  He could see she feeling guilty, and the last thing he wanted was for her to flee again.

"Im sorry Zhe Yan.  I don't want to marry him.  I dont even know him." she cried, as tears suddenly began to fall.

Losing his patience, his anger once again rose.  "Well of course you don't know him.  You have refused three meetings with him already.  You should just be thankful that he hasn't already cancelled the arrangement.  Do you have any idea, how significant this agreement is to Qing Qiu, or how damn lucky you are to have him as a future husband, when every women from every Realm would die to be in your place? "  Completely ignoring her tears, which she had the ability to drop whenever she felt they would work in her favor.

 "Xiao Wu, would you at least just meet the man.  We would never choose someone who would ill treat you.  He might be The War God and the Master of Kunlun Mountain, but he is a good man.  His heart is as big as the sky." he smiled at her tearful eyes, that had now risen to meet his.

Having no intention of meeting him, she stalled for time.  "Zhe Yan,  I promise to meet him, but I have urgent business to take care of." she pleaded.

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