I Fear Myself

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A/N: Emulation: 82 Reasons Not to Get out of Bed by Denise Duhamel at el; "I fear..."

I fear losing my love after spending so much time investing in him.

I fear losing my mind to myself,

Letting my illness consume me till I am skin, bones and a sick brain,

How can anyone want to hold that?

Nobody wants to hold an empty body.

I fear that one day I'll speak up for what's right and cost a life.

I just want to stand up for those who can't,

I don't want to hurt anyone.

I fear that my loneliness will consume me,

Sleeping alone is very difficult when you're consumed.

I fear the mirror is telling the truth.

The mirror sees what I really am.

The mirror reminds me of my flaws that I've allowed to happen to me.

I fear the IVs that they'll have to stick in me when I've gone off my rocker again.

I fear my own brain,

I'm afraid of what it makes me think and see

I fear my illness

Why can't I live a normal life and not think twice about things that my brain makes me worry about?

Why can't I just go to bed at night blissfully instead oh have relenting anxious thought

Why can't I be normal and live unafraid?

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