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Known as Raimon's second in command and the fastest player; well believe it or not Kazemaru is currently the chairman of Raimon ju  ; he is also the husband of Arakuma Gauken 's ex coach Karibe Ranko and the father of two lovely children Kazemaru Seo and Kazemaru Miku. Kazemaru told his son  Seo that he was free to choose in which club he wants to join to which Seo choose athletics [ done some editing in Seo's profile be sure to read it to stay out of doubt].


people say about her that '' Beauty and Intelligence'' previously known as coach of Arakuma Gauken's soccer club; she is the wife of one and only kazemaru Ichirouta and the mother of two lovely children Kazemaru Seo and Kazemaru Miku ; you can say she is an expert in cooking ; Karibe stays at home to look after her family ;she really cares for her family and there is nothing precious to her than her husband and children .

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