Wavering til I fall

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(A/N THIS IS THE BACKSTORY OF RAVI. FANFIC STARTS NEXT CHAPTER.  Some stuff: fell free to comment anything to me, including grammer mistakes, but please be nice to one another 😊)

        The sky was dark and the air brisk. The sawing of crickets could just be heard over the crunch of leaves as I grew closer. Clambering into a tree, I lied back and began to wait. Soon enough I heard their unnatural glide through the foliage and pulled myself up so I could watch. Their whispers were soft and sweet despite the evil I've always been told they speak. They stood closely regardless of their cold, and they kept their eyes on each other. And yet, I had no doubt they knew I was here. I shifted my arm to throw the stake I've been clenching so tightly, but paused. There were whimpers of pain coming from some bushes to their left. They stopped, and turned to look. I held my breath and waited to see their next move. They began moving and I quickly got into position to save whatever poor creature it was. To my surprise, they didn't pounce straight away. They instead knelt and moved the bush aside for a better view. There in the bushes was both the ruby red of a fox's fur, and the deep red of its blood. There was a trap clamped on its front leg, and it hissed sadly at the sight of the vampires. The first vampire bent forward and grasped each side of the clamp and nodded to the second, who stroked the fox's head gently and kept its gaze on them as their partner quickly yanked open the trap. A sharp squeal reached my ears and the fox scrambled to find its feet but fell again the second his weight shifted to his injured leg. The second, shorter vampire leant even closer as if to see better. 

       "Broken." His voice was deep and rough, but still gentle. He gently lifted the fox's leg and pressed his lips to it. He gave it a little nip and set it back down once more. At this point, I was greatly confused. The other vampire, a lean woman, gently murmured into the fur of its back. I can't tell you what she said exactly, but I know they were not cruel. I could tell as such from her voice and the look on her face. 

         Turning my gaze back to the fox, it had settled down. Its leg was almost completely healed. Surprise coursed through me, and I nearly fell off the tree. Okay, I did. I hit the ground with a loud thump, and pain flooded my back. It look only a second longer for my eyesight to fade to black and my other senses die.

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