Thor's Day March 3rd, 632

13 1 0

*19 yrs old*
Tis one week until my birthday and I will start to be trained to rule this land. I can't stand this place. No... no. This place is giving me anxiety. No. Not that. I can't wait to rule.

I met a few knights today. Delilah, who was kind and understanding, was assigned to protect me. Knights here go through special training in order to do that. I have a feeling she and I will become great friends someday.

Yrris, who was quiet but sweet, I learned was one of the only ten male knights in Rhalenia. On the same topic, I threatened a woman today. She had a nasty attitude towards Yrris and he didn't even do anything! The most he did was shake my hand and call me "your highness"! How does that deserve an attitude? Yrris was just being a gentleman! This action makes me even more eager to change the government

All things considered, I should probably leave things be with this book so I don't get too riled up.


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