Drew moved to the side, swallowing the lump in her throat, and letting Louis walk by. He slipped off his vans, looking at Drew wearily, and making his way to the sofa. Drew was frozen in place, wondering what she could do to help. But quite frankly, she didn't know what to do in this type of situation. She's never seen Louis like this, what could she do to help?

She joined Louis on the sofa, staring into his glassy ocean blue eyes. Drew caught a tear slide down the side of his cheek, as he grew embarrassed and wiped it away with the palm of his hand. Drew could feel a weight on her chest pulling her down. Just seeing him shed tears caused her to want to shed tears with him. It hurt seeing Louis like this.

“Well can I have an explanation now? Like, what happened...”Drew trailed off, unsure if Louis would get mad for asking. Louis sighed and rested his head on one of the pillows. He curled his toes, and glanced back up at Drew. He sat himself up folding his hands in his lap.

“I-I just made such a terrible mistake. I lost the one I loved Drew. I don't know what was wrong with me, I barely remember anything of what happened. I was intoxicated, I didn't know what was going on. And I can't believe I would bring myself to do something like that.” Louis cried softly, after tears and tears ran after one another down his cheeks. He sniffled a bit and looked up at Drew.

Drew had her eyebrows furrowed, and her head titled in confusion. She had no idea what Louis was even talking about. Was he maybe drunk? She's seen him drunk before, but he wasn't like this when he was drunk, so he was surely sober.

“Louis, what happened?” Drew leaned forward, representing that she was listening, and that she was there for him. Louis grabbed a tissue from the coffee table and blew his nose into it, as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

“Last night...we all decided to go to the club, including Eleanor. And I for one, got absolutely wasted as I always do. I don't remember much Drew, but apparently I kissed another girl, that wasn't Eleanor. And Eleanor saw me with her own two eyes. This morning, she told me she couldn't handle being near me or even talking to me because apparently all she visualizes is me and that girl. What is wrong with me? I just lost the most beautiful woman in the world to such a silly mistake I had done. She ended it with me this morning, and she left our apartment, and that's the last I had seen of her. Drew, you don't understand. I'm in love with this girl. It just hurts so much by letting her go and making the biggest mistake of my life. I planned on marrying her.”

“Now everything is just in the garbage. Everything we had is in the trash, and she can't look at me the same anymore. If only I didn't kiss that stupid girl at the club, I would be at home with Eleanor, on the sofa watching Friends and having a cup of tea while cuddling with her. She was my world, Drew. I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel like my world has ended, and the book is closed. Eleanor was my world, and now I have no world.” Louis spoke with a croaky voice.

Drew was absolutely speechless. Her breath was caught in her throat, and she felt weak. She was useless against the words Louis had spoken. She was nothing compared to Eleanor. Louis's feelings towards Eleanor was strong and powerful, and Drew was no match. Simply because she was just that one friend that didn't mean anything. He was only there just to have someone be there for him.

“Everybody makes mistakes Louis, and it happens. You can't do anything about it, and simply there is nothing wrong with you. If she truly loved you, she wouldn't have dropped you and left like that. She would understand you were intoxicated and you barely remember anything! It's not your fault, it's hers. She lost one of the best people in the world. I get it, she was your world, but it doesn't mean it's gonna end. She was just a page in a book, now you have to go onto the next chapter.”

“No matter how much it hurts letting her go, it seems like she might not even come back. You have so much to look forward to, she is merely just your past. It will take time to move on, but it will be worth it.” Drew announced, while her lips uplifted into a smile. Without any hesitation, Louis wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest.

“Drew, I'm so glad you're here for me. That's exactly what I needed to hear.” Louis whispered in her ear, as Drew wrapped her arms around his torso.

“That's what I'm here for Louis, I care about you a lot.” Drew spoke, as she came in eye contact with him. She felt as if this moment was just perfect. The first time she's been in his arms for more than 2 seconds. But when she said I care about you a lot, it was more than just that. She care about him all the way to infinity. It's like she could never stop caring.

For some reason, she felt happy and relieved Louis and Eleanor were done. It was giving Louis an opportunity to realize that Drew was an option, and that she always was. Maybe Louis would give Drew a chance, because really Drew has been waiting for this moment for forever.

“Maybe we should order some pizza, don't ya think?” Louis laughed pulling her closer. Drew felt her stomach churn with elegant butterflies. Her mind was in a daze, as she looked back up at the once bloodshot teary eyes, to the new sparkling ocean blue ones. She nodded, laying her head upon his chest.

“I'd like that.” Drew muttered, as she grinned gratefully. Louis smiled back, grabbing at his phone and dialing the number to pizza hut.

“I'm so glad to have you in my life Drew.” Louis smiled looking down at her.

Drew smiled showing her pearly whites, her brown doe eyes igniting with love.

This was all she simply wanted, but really, nothing lasts forever.

Well so uh what did you think? Good or bad? Please leave your feedback guys, I love love love getting comments from you guys, and I want to know what you guys think! I love you all muahh x

~ A

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