Give people hope

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It's so easy to just say to someone "it will be okay" at that time however that person doesn't think it will.

Every year people commit suicide because they don't think life will get better. I was nearly one of them.

When someone says "it will be okay." I don't listen to them.

I do listen to them however when they tell me they will be there for me.

There isn't a day that goes by where my friends tell me something that makes my day.

That's why I kept living.

Every time someone commits suicide every says "they were such a beautiful person." Or "they were loved by so many"

Here's an idea. Tell them that when they are alive. Then they might have stayed.

No one really tries to actually speak to people anymore.

That has got to change.

From now on, don't say "it's okay" speak to them properly. Get to know them. Try to understand.

Give someone hope that things will get better. Tell them what you've wanted to tell them. It can change their mind completely.

I have proof.

One day in January I was going to commit suicide. I knew how to tie a noose and I was ready.

My best friend spoke to me that day and without knowing it saved my life.

I love you guys stay strong <3

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