That World of 0's and 1's

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I jumped at the loud bangs I heard and the screeching of tires. I looked to see that a van speeding down the streets with a mad man shooting people wildly was leaning out of the passenger seat window. I knew East said something—no, yelled something—but I couldn't hear it because of the blood pumping in my ears. Time seemed to slow as the truck skid and the man shot directly at us. Slowly, I screamed as East jumped in front of Ari and I to shield us from the oncoming strike. The man shot again and hit Ari as she could only let out a little groan of pain the dropped down. I saw my life flash before my eyes as the car came closer, rushing so fast, taking my life span down by years, roaring with energy, the cruel laugh of the crazy man with fire and blood gleaming in his eyes. Pure evil. And pure hatred is what I felt for him as he fired the gun and before I could completely go, I screamed "I despise you with all of my being, and on the name of Kami-sama even though I never pray, YOUR CURSED SOUL WILL GO TO HELL AND BLOODY FARTHER!" the van struck at the place where we were and that was all.

When I came around my eyes were already open, and my being was fully alert. I felt as if nothing had happened, and had a fake smile that I couldn't control. Fear gripped my heart, Why can't I move? 

I heard a voice, faint as if an echo, "It'll be okay, just please bear with it.."

If you heard a small voice like that, telling you to remain calm, you'd think "I'm going to die." But considering I was already dead, there's no point in killing me twice.

I could faintly see an image above in the blueish room, it was people arguing and commenting about something, Vaguely could I make out what they were saying. If there ever was a time where I wish I'd prayed to Kami-sama, now was the time. I desperately prayed that I'd be alright, hoping, longing that I'd be safe. The people seemed to decide on something as I heard typing of a keyboard and I cringed as I felt slight pain. 

The live stream of the people grew clearer as I realized it was only two, a boy and a girl. Now I could hear their voices, "No... Wait, no it's girl and boy, cuter that way, yeah?" she giggled. The boy sighed and scratched his head. 

"Honsestly, I don't even remember what's so great about this plan anyways." he muttered typing staring directly at me and a little to my right as well.

"Because, if you already have the first 3 shouldn't you continue instead of just stopping your project?" Her high and girly voice asked. Whatever they were talking about, I'm sure I was involved.

The guy put one hand propped up on his elbow on the table and supported his chin on it, "Alright alright, names?"

She tapped her chin and looked up at the cieling thoughtfully, "Ah ah! I got it, since it's so much like they look alike put something significant? You know, just like 'First sound of the future' as well! They have pretty much the same voice right? Right? Well well, what about 'Mirrored sound'? Huh? What'cha think? I mean, we should use it so they can be coupled and paired with others, oooh you know how adorable some yaoi is-" The guy cringed as she realized she hit a sensitive region.

"Whats so adorable about yaoi?! I'd feel bad, wouldn't you?" He looked up behind him at her, she stood behind is shoulder both of them having brown hair and either they were related or going out because that's what it seemed like. She shrugged, "I don't really care, It'd be up to them, right? Right? There's 'suki' in their programming, ne?" he nodded.

"So anyways, Mirrored sound... wait a minute, two girls?" the boy nodded, "Yep! They're so alike it's cool!"

She shook her head, "That won't do. Make the one on the left a boy."

The guy looked as if he was hesitant but then complied and tapped away and I felt a bit more pain, but I wasn't able to look or move, just look straight. Right at the two and was unable to speak or hear anything except them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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