une → tri-wizard tournament

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LEE JORDAN HAD ALWAYS stuck with the same people, and his sixth year was no different

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LEE JORDAN HAD ALWAYS stuck with the same people, and his sixth year was no different. With Fred and George's pranks being pulled all around the school to their dreams of starting up a joke shop with him, Lee had thought his friends were great, and he for sure didn't need new ones.

There was one downside to his sixth year, though. It had been announced that Hogwarts would be hosting the annual Tri-Wizard Tournament, meaning there would be no quidditch. Of course, Lee loved quidditch, especially considering he got to commentate for it. He liked to think that he made the sport a lot more entertaining with his ridiculous words in the background.

Though, Lee was still very excited for the Tri Wizard Tournament, and today was the day that the other schools would be coming to Hogwarts for the rest of the year. Him, Fred and George were all sitting near each other at the Gryffindor table. There was a larger space than usual in the middle of the Hall, making room for the schools to come in.

Beauxbatons Academy was the first place the be introduced. Dumbledore had said a small speech, and then intoduced them and their Headmistress Madam Maxime.

A bunch of beautiful girls in blue uniforms came waltzing in, using 'avis' to have birds come up from their hands. There was one girl, in particular, that had caught Lee's eye.

A stunning, slender girl with darker blonde hair in a bun at the back of her head and brown eyes. Somehow, Lee had caught that from the small moments her eyes were open. There was something about her... in the way she portrayed herself, the way she moved. Lee wanted to know her more, and he knew for a fact that he'd try as hard as he could to talk to her.

For a slight moment, the two made eye contact, and her eyes brightened slightly, giving him a small smile, but she looked away quickly and continued to pay attention to what she was doing.

"Fancying already?" Fred had whispered to Lee, whilst Lee was still staring at the girl in disbelief.

"Pardon?" Lee asked, looking over at Fred.

Fred seemed amused, "quite the beauty you got that look from."

"Shut up," Lee rolled his eyes, and looked back at what was going on in front of them.

The next day was definitely a day to remember. It was a Monday, and Lee had free time after Transfiguration. Fred and George were off to their next class, so Lee knew exactly what he was to do.

He walked around the castle, thinking where he would find the Beauxbatons girls. Well, girl. So, he tried the library, and low and behold, there she was. Sitting at a table, reading a book. She had seemed like the type who'd be reading. There were other Beauxbatons girls around, but she was slightly split off from all of them.

Lee walked over to the table, and took a seat across from her. She looked up at him, and a smile appeared on her face when she saw him.

"Oh! Salut. Vous etes le gars que j'ai vu dans la Grande Salle, correcte? Je m'appelle Corine, qui etes-vous?" She spoke, a smooth voice, but Lee couldn't understand anything except for 'grande salle', which was Great Hall.

Lee got frustrated, of course she speaks French. She's from Beauxbatons, how daft could he be?

"Uh, what?" Lee choked out, seeming very confused. He hoped she spoke enough English to understand what he had just said.

The girl laughed, "can't speak French, huh? I'm Corine. You are?"

Lee was very overwhelmed at the moment, a beautiful French girl just introduced herself to him in both English and French. ALSO her accent seemed to have British undertones to it, and she seemed pretty fluent in English. So, yes, Lee was confused but he was also very relieved.

"Lee Jordan, local Quidditch Commentator," Lee gave an odd smile, and looked her in the eyes.

"Well Lee Jordan, Local Quidditch Commentator, I hope talk to you more. I'm sure we'll make great friends with each other," Corina nodded her head at him, before getting half way out of her seat.

But Lee stopped her, "can we talk for a bit? I have no class right now, and my friends are at their class."

Corine eyed him for a moment, and eventually sat down, "what would you like to know?"

"You're, uh, fluent in English, and you have British undertones to your voice.. why?" Lee asked.

Corine laughed, "well, my mother comes from Britain and we moved to France when I was ten years old, since she had a very good job offering there. So, I can speak both French and English. Plus, our Headmistress has decided to have English classes at the school, and she had them more hardcore before coming here. But, she didn't have me attend since she knew it was my native language."

Lee couldn't help but just stare at her the whole time and listen intently. He really liked the sound of her voice, as sweet as caramel and as smooth as silk. Corine just grinned at him, not breaking the eye contact.

"I saw you staring at me in the Great Hall. Now, you're staring at me now. Am I really that good looking, Fleur is the quarter veela. Everyone stares at her," Corine continued to talk.

"Oh, sorry," Lee got sort of flustered, and broke the eye contact. "I barely know any French at all, except for 'sil vous plait'," Lee said, awkwardly looking back at Corine.

"That's unfortunate," Corine frowned, "they call French the language of love, yeah?"

This girl dropped hints like crazy — but it was obvious she didn't like him like that. Somehow, she was playing with his feelings. His feelings that were barely even there. But every look, every word, he didn't he didn't know how to respond. Lee said he liked Angelina Johnson, but, quite frankly, he just liked to bother her. Corine? No, he wanted to take her to Hogsmeade and buy her candy, share a butterbeer.

Man, was this feeling weird.

"Yep, they do," Lee said, "I don't speak it."

"I like you Lee, you're different from the guys at Beauxbatons. I'll be going now, Fleur said she wanted to talk about entering the tournament with me, and I see her over there. Feel free to approach me any time Lee, I'll always have a seat free to talk to you," Corine gave him the sweetest smile, and stood up from her chair. She then, made her way across the library to another very good looking girl in a blue uniform.

Lee still thought Corine looked better — even if the other girl was quarter veela.

this is litty and I actually love it
ps don't take litty seriously it's ironic.

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