"I'll always protect you." You smile up at him, he smiles back, and kisses you. You hug him around his waist and continue watching the movie in his arms, feeling giddy and happy, the movie didn't bother you ever again. 


You enter his house and see him cooking... Surprisingly.

"Why are you cooking? What's up?" you eyed him suspiciously

"Just planned this night for just us, I planned everything!" You smiled but still curious as you walked over to see what he was cooking. He gently pushes you away because he doesn't want to see what he's cooking.

"Fine! I see how it is." You walk away, then when he turned around, you weren't going to give up that easy, you quickly walked back to get a peek.

"(y/n) What did I tell you!" He caught you in his arms before you could see. He quickly kissed you and tells you go sit in the living room and wait. You walked away blushing. He'd won this match, only because that was y'all's first kiss and you'd totally forgotten about dinner as you sat at the table smiling like an idiot.

Jack G:  Y'all were taking a walk in the park, the sun was shining and it was a perfect day. Y'all were the only ones there and as you walked around, passing a tree every so often. 

Jack then touches you out of no where... "Tag! You're it!"

"That's not fair!" You start running after him trying to catch him. Then all of a sudden you don't see him anywhere. You stand by the park fountain and try to think of where he could possibly go.

"ugh.. Where'd he go?" He then sneaks up behind you and hugs you from behind. You turn around and start hitting him.

"Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Haha, I'm sorry."  He then leans in to kiss you. You smile and look at him, a lopsided grin plastered on his face.


You guys were in the basement playing guitar hero. He was winning by a lot and you were getting a bit irritated, you never lose. After the song was over you took the guitar off and went to go sit on the couch with a pout.

"What's wrong darling?" You just look at him with a pout.

"Ah, you're so cute! Come here." He opens his arms out for a hug. You get up and step into his arms. 

"You smell good. You smell like... flowers. I like it!" He leans over to smell your hair, then all of a sudden, he kisses you. He starts dancing, "WE JUST HAD OUR FIRST KISS, I beat you at guitar hero and kissed you."  You face palmed but was as happy as he was.

Jack J:  

You guys were taking a walk up the hill behind your house. You brought a blanket so you guys could lay on the grass and look up at the sky and just cuddle. Once you got to the top of the hill, you laid out the blanket and cuddled with him.

"The stars look really pretty tonight."

"Yeah it does. It's all twinkly and whatnot." you said making jazz fingers at the sky

He chuckles a bit, "Wanna know what else is pretty?"


"You. But you're not just pretty tonight, You're pretty everyday, 24/7 and will be for the rest of your life." He leans over to kiss you on the lips softly, when he lets go he turns bright red. you had to hold back the chorus of awe's because Jack was absolutely adorable. That night, was the best night ever. 


You're over at his place, and you are just chilling in his room watching him throw a  lax ball up and down.

"You know, We've been together for a little over two months now and we've never even had our first kiss." you said inspecting a piece of your hair

"Yeah we have!"

"...... on the lips." you said raising a brow at him, he shrugged and didn't answer. 

"Oh, Well... I want the boy to make the first move, and you never did.. so it's your fault." He turns around to hide his redness.

"Come here." you pat the bed, He walks over to you and sits next to you on his bed.

"Should we both make the first move?" he shyly ask..

Before you could answer, he quickly kissed you on the lips.

"I would have kissed you sooner, but I get so nervous and didn't know when the right moment was..." He said trailing off, You just smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist. His insecurities were adorable.

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