Chapter 9 A Drug I Crave

Start from the beginning

"Bloody time Scorpius asked you out Rose." My nephew Al sighs. "Now maybe I won't hear about it all the time in the common room and dormitory. And at every meal. And in class. It was really getting annoying. Oh and can you schedule your fights to not coincide with quidditch? The team needs him at his best."

Well hell, there it all comes out. Like a volcano, all the Weasleys are now going to be chiding my poor daughter on her relationship with Scorpius Malfoy. Harry signals me to follow him into the house to talk privately and I only begrudgingly comply.

"'Mione... I hear I lost a bet. One that I was pretty sure I was gonna win." He starts in on me.

"Ah the Harry 'big brother' speech. I was expecting it," I kid.

"Do you really know what you're getting into?"

"Probably better than you do, since you lost the bet," I say cheekily. After all these years, I still can play Harry like a fiddle sometimes.

"Not the point. It's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Scorpius, well he's not too bad. But Draco?"

"If I were involved with Scorpius Malfoy, you had better send me to St Mungo's to have my head examined." I say plainly. "Yes I know it's Draco." Now frustrated, I smack his arm. "Trust me. He's arrogant, conceited, self obsessed. And broken." I pause. I understand him. I understand him because he's like me. "He's lonely like me. We get each other. At first I thought it would be strictly physical, but it isn't. It isn't a one time thing either. And thank Merlin for that."

"NO DETAILS!" Harry turns a little green. "What applies to you and Ron goes doubly for you and Draco Malfoy."

"Harry what if I told you Ron and I haven't any details to give in years?" He looks at me dumbfounded. "We're not you and Gin. We haven't had any physical relationship in - well - a very long time."

"'Mione, I'm sorry. I didn't know." I see his expression turn sorrowful and caring. Not the scolding he was going to give me moments ago.

"No one did Harry. Ron didn't care, he sewed his wild oats elsewhere. I was left with a battery powered boyfriend."

"Go." He nods, hopefully understanding my situation better. "I'll give Gin the Muggle credit card too. Just promise me something."


"You'll be careful. Not just with your body, but more importantly with your heart. And let me know if things go poorly." Still playing the hero, but he should know by now that I am anything but a damsel in distress.

"Harry, this is the first time in a long time that I am taking back this part of my life. I had given up on it for so long. Now I feel empowered. I feel wanted. I feel loved. They are things I haven't felt in" I don't want to think how long, so instead I just look over at the Weasley's grandfather clock, where all the children, their spouses, and the grandkids faces are on hands. All pointing to 'home' except Ron's and Charlie's.

"We're here for you as much or as little as you need. Does the rest of the family know about Draco?"

"No. Only you and Gin. I was going to tell George, but haven't got around to it. Let's keep that between us all. I don't even want Rosie getting the idea of Draco and I. At this point we are chaperones and catching up as friends."

"Does she know your history with him?" Concern clouds his eyes, as the green intensifies. 

"It was alluded to at dinner. Scorpius was embarrassed over his father's actions, so we didn't get in depth. Like she doesn't know I slapped him or the like."

"What about that?" as he points to my arm that is permanently scarred. My reminder of who I was according to the Malfoy family, just because I was born. "Does she know the history on that?"

That took me off guard. "No and I don't want her to Harry. I decided that when she was born that she would never hear what I went through. There at the Manor or at any part of the war. I have a hard enough time dealing with the memories, I don't need her to dwell on them and have them be part of her too."

"But you went through it at that family's hands. He was there and did nothing. She needs to know."

"Are you going to tell Al not to be friends with Scorpius because of this?" I'm getting flustered. And angry. I don't understand why, but I am. Calm your nerves. Keep your thoughts rational and you have Harry beat in a second.

"No, but if you asked me to, I would in a heartbeat."

"Then I am asking you not to. And respect me for it." I still can't control myself, so even though I know I won this argument, I leave to go back outside to join the rest of the family.

"Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley, we were not done!" He bellows behind me.

"To hell we weren't. I was done. If you can't respect my wishes one way, but will the other, there is no discussion that has any rational basis. It is strictly based on hatred." I turn to Ginny, "Rose and I will be at home when you're ready. I just need to go..."

She sees her husband flustered and rushing towards the rest of the family still seated and giving us confused looks. She understands and gives me a hug. Then whacks her husband on his head. "Moron."

"I'm looking out for her," he grumbles.

"Moron. This is 'Mione. Ever heard her called dumb? No. So trust her." She whispers to him before adding another 'moron' under her breath. She turns to me, "we'll keep Hugo and Rosie. Go home and calm down. I can only imagine the stress you're under." As she turns to her husband glaring at him in a way that screams that not only is he not getting any of their famous 'play time' but he had better make himself comfortable on the couch in his study - which just happens to be about a quarter meter too short for him, "But I have a pretty good idea."

"Thanks Gin. I owe you." I bid my farewells to everyone and Molly offers that Hugo spend the night over again when Rose wants to have another date. She has no idea how quick I am going to take her up on that.


I return home to a quiet house. Much needed quiet. I close my eyes thinking back on the dream again. Over and over it plays in my memory; and like wave after wave of the orgasm I experienced in the dream, it hits me again.

Oh Merlin, I'm addicted and need a fix.

Even dreams are better than the battery powered boyfriend I had. I race up to my bedroom, grab the box and take it directly to the back yard and with an 'incendio' the whole thing goes up in flames. "Bye bye battery powered boyfriend. You are officially replaced. By a much better, real thing."

I go back upstairs and look through what lingerie I still retained. Not much to speak of. I start weeding through and just decide to start over. Bras, knickers, and everything in between. It is time for me to be a woman again. One that is wanted and desired. One that is appreciated for more than a name and title.

I decide to go to Muggle London to do my intimates shopping and also decide to stop off at a bookstore. I have been so out of practice, I need to find ways to not only pleasure myself but now pleasure Draco.

Though if the dreams meant anything, there is plenty of pleasuring going around for both of us.

I make a list of places to go and make an appointment for some of the more - intimate stores. Nothing overly kinky, just something that I am comfortable in. With the note in hand, I apparate just outside Harrods to start off. 


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