Chapter 1: Things Begin

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"OHMYGOD, you're Kelsey Carlisle!"

Of course, Kelsey had just taken a gigantic bite of her breakfast when she heard these words. She and Jack were grabbing breakfast at their favorite IHOP in the valley on their way to the studio for the first day of shooting. Jack started classes in a couple weeks, so he wanted to go with her as long as he could.

Kelsey looked up, smiling as she chewed. Jack hid his mouth behind his hand and laughed at her. She tried to simultaneously glare at him and look friendly to the waitress, who hadn't noticed whom she was serving until now.

Kelsey nodded and swallowed. "I am," she acknowledged. Gone were the days when she brushed off her fans whenever possible, or just ignored them outright. They were her people, she realized. She was here because of them, and for them, too.

"And you're Jack LaGuardia," the starstruck waitress continued, eyes huge in her pretty face as she turned to Jack, who had just taken a huge bite of his pancakes.

He nodded as he, too, tried to acknowledge her and eat at the same time. This time it was Kelsey who laughed, eyes merry in her lively face as she enjoyed his predicament.

"You guys are such great people," the waitress said, completely unaware of how discombobulated the couple in front of her was. "I knew when you went after that race car driver at that party that he was no good, you know?" She leaned toward Jack conspiratorially. "Never liked him." She looked at Kelsey. "No offense or anything."

Kelsey shook her head vigorously.

"And you were so brave, Ms. Carlisle, to do what you did to make sure everyone would know what a dick he was," the waitress went on. "You made the world a safer place by exposing that cocksucker, you know?" Her eyes widened as she realized what she'd said. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend you or anything!"

Kelsey sat back to laugh, shaking her head. "No, no, Sherry," she reassured the waitress after glancing at her name tag. "You're totally right, he is a cocksucker."

The waitress, heartened, continued as Jack and Kelsey listened to her with amusement.

"After all that hit the news, me and my boyfriend got in a fight about it, and I'm telling you, it was the last straw, and I threw his useless ass out of the apartment, so I have you to thank for that, Ms. Carlisle. He beat on me whenever the hell he felt like it, and I was sick of it, let me tell you." Sherry looked between the two of them, indignant, as they looked back, all traces of amusement gone.

"Anyway, I'll let you get back to your breakfast, but I just wanted to say thank you, and that I'm a huge fan, okay?" And Sherry sashayed away, calling out for more coffee at table three.

"Wow," Jack said, taking Kelsey's hand across the table. "That got weird and serious fast, huh?"

Kelsey nodded.

"You're an amazing person, missy thing," Jack said, winking at her, making Kelsey swoon a little bit over her international pancake breakfast.

"Speaking of Don, have you heard the latest?" Kelsey asked as she took a drink of her juice.

"No, I haven't, and I wasn't speaking of him, either," Jack retorted, blinking at her. "I don't understand why you have heard the latest, and do you have to say his name? Can't you just call him 'cocksucker,' like our fine server did?"

"Oh my god, Jack, I don't think I've ever heard you swear before," Kelsey said. She looked really startled.

"I swear, when circumstances warrant," Jack said, embarrassed. "What about him, anyway?"

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