Chapter 9- Its Fine

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(An: in the book it's been a few weeks now and Max, Harvey and their squad have continued to bully Amelia. Also Amelia is now starving herself because she believes what Louise always says, 'fatty') (oh and there may be one or two curse words in this chapter, just a warning!)


In school;

As the 'gang' walked by Louise slipped the same words out as usual "FATTY". I don't do anything about it when she does this to me I just try and ignore it and carry on with my crap life, though really the comments do get to me and it really gets me down. I've stopped eating properly because of her because, she's right I must be fat! My arms are getting skinnier and my stomach flatter than it should be but I don't care, I need to loose weight...

Louise came back again but on her own,

"Do me a favour and end your life, it would do the world good," she said sarcastically grinning.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I snapped at her.

"Don't act like you don't know," she said in an angry tone and pointing a finger in my face.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You bitch... I know you like Harvey Mills, you even kissed him for God's sake!" She screamed. Luckily no one was here because it was lunch and we were in an empty hallway.

"He kissed me Louise, get that through your thick head," I yelled. All of a sudden she pushed me into a locker and I hit my back then she punched me in the stomach. I dazed out and sat on the floor against the locker with blurry vision and a sore bruise freshly marked where she hit me. I watched as she walked away laughing to herself as if she was proud.

At home

I didn't eat dinner again, I told Harry that I ate on the way home.

"Mil we are going to the doctors," harry called. I didn't bother to question him, so I just slipped my shoes on and got into the car.

"Are you feeling okay lately Mil..." he asked awkwardly, breaking the silence. I nodded and pretended to look really happy but deep down I'm not.

"Oh and I found out that you weren't lying about the whole spraining your wrist thing, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Max and Harvey won't be talking to me any time soon but really I am sorry," he said paying attention to the stop lights.

"It's fine," is all I could say at that moment, any more then I would uncontrollably burst into tears. I still don't know why we are going to the doctors though, maybe Harry needs a check up? I don't know.

We arrived at our destination and we head through the automatic glass doors.

"Just on time," I heard Harry mumble to himself, what?

"Amelia Parkinson, to room 7, Dr Grant, please," the woman at the desk called.

"What the the hell Harry!" I whispered to him.

"Go on," he said motioning his hands towards the corridor. I looked at him with narrow eyes and head over the the long line of empty rooms.




That's my room... I stepped in and shivered from the cold lingering air in the room.

"Hello Amelia, I'm Dr.Grant, and your brother called for me to check up on you. He says you haven't been yourself lately? Is that so?"

"I'm fine,"

"Hmm, we will run a few tests and check your health,"

She spoke to me for a while after running some minor tests and turns out and talking with her.

I have depression...

Great, I thought my life couldn't get any worse.

"Would you like me to tell your brother or you?" She spoke, a small smile painted on her face.

"I'll do it," I lied, I'm not telling him anything.

"Okay. Bye sweetheart!" She said opening the door for me.

I walked towards my concerned brother in the waiting room and flashed a big smile, obviously a fake one.

"How'd it go?" He asked sitting up straight.

"Great, she said my health is really well and that it might just be stress from school homework, I have been getting lots lately," I lied... again.

"That's amazing! Anyways let's get home,"


In the car I received a message from an unknown number making me curious so I opened it.


Kill yourself you fat bitch.

Just do it

No one likes you


Wow okay, I wasn't expecting that...


All night I received several messages for many unknown numbers. It left me thinking about my mum and how much I needed her right now. I can't do this anymore.

I just can't...

I smashed one of my mirrors then sat on my bed taking a shard of sharp shiny class and pressed it lightly on my wrist.

"See you soon mum, and I'm sorry Harry," I mumbled to myself,"

I don't want to do this but my life is a mess and is getting worse.

I left an open cut on my left arm and began on my right.

See you soon mum.

Goodbye.// Max and Harvey FFWhere stories live. Discover now