chapter 3

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august 27th, 2017


I got to know the boy

With knives.


He let me see inside

His head.

He let me see

What made him tick.


He no longer

Locked me out

In the rain,

But let me in

And told me

Id be okay.


I felt something

In my stomach,

In the very depths

Where id pushed back

All of my

Feelings and desires

Because i knew

What theyd put me through.

I felt something

In my stomach,

In the very depths,

And the feeling was

All too familiar.

And i was afraid

Because i had done this before.

I had trusted and

I had spilled and

I had regretted it


So i ignored

The little butterflies

That threatened

To spill out

And i tried so hard

To lock them

Up into

Tiny bite sized


I tried so hard

To swallow the key

And never see

Those cursed butterflies


But everytime

I think of that boy

They always break free.

the chronicles of the boy with knivesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz