chapter one

18 1 0

may 15th, 2017

I've never trusted people

Enough to let them in.

I'd done that enough.

Enough to know that it wasn't


Enough to know that I could

Never trust words that

Took the form of


I thought that the knives

Were too strong

For anyone to handle.

But then?

But then..

I met a boy

Who surrounded himself

With sharp edges and made

Himself bulletproof.

Who welcomed the knives that

Shrouded his being with open arms.

I was


And for awhile,

I thought nothing could hurt him.

He'd kept his enemies close,

So close they became his friends.

So close that he knew how they worked


How to reverse them.

How to turn them against each other.

When I met that boy;

That boy who so calmly eased into the pain,

Who greeted it with a half smile and

A witty comment,

I knew.

I knew that not even the boy

With knives was

Safe from his inner demons.

He was merely speeding up the


the chronicles of the boy with knivesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant