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A/N: Yes I am aware her name is not Celaena anymore... but it's fanfiction, please don't be picky, and enjoy it :)

A/N: This is a ship between Celaena and Nehemia

Celaena sat in her rooms reading her book. She sighed. It seemed like these days she was bored at everything she ever did. She needed a little fun, something to get her on edge again. Now that she was the champion of the prince, she had more time to do things, like eat cake, read, and anything else she desired. But she loved the eating cake part. So she had made a friend. Nehemia was one of the best friends she had ever had, so she decided they should have fun together. They snuck in to the kitchens for a late night dessert, they watched the soldiers work out and giggled about it, they studied things together and they trained together. Celaena was glad for the distraction from all the stress from being a champion. She was still missing something though... something that would keep her up at night, so she asked Nehemia to play with her. She came in to Celaena's room and they tried to come up with a game to play.

"Hmm, I just made this one up, it is called truth or dare." Celaena said.

"Truth or dare?" Nehemia asked.

"Yeah it's where you either do a dare that someone picks, or tell the truth to a question someone has picked."

" Fine, I pick dare." Nehemia said.

Celaena told Nehemia to go outside and kiss a guard. Nehemia left, a determined look on her face. She went outside, grabbed a young, sleepy guard, and kissed him full on the mouth, then ran back inside, giggling. The guard looked very shocked and confused, and Celaena couldn't help laughing as she saw him. Nehemia came back to their rooms and collapsed on her bed.

"Truth or dare?" Nehemia shot up from her bed and gave her a wicked smile.

"Dare." Celaena picked. After all she was an assassin, what could happen?

"I dare you... to kiss me."

Celaena whipped her head toward Nehemia, who had a more serioius look on her face, but was still smiling.

"Easy." A feline smile made it's way on Celaena's face and she stalked towards Nehemia. She took her face in her hands, softly, and kissed her. It was soft and sweet, and suddenly she didn't want to stop playing. She pulled away, looking at Nehemia while she did. Nehemia had wide eyes and was panting, but smiled.

"I guess we should do this more often, it's fun." Nehemia said.

"I guess so."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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