Chapter 3

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Aaaand now this is me writing the chapters :D

Adam's POV
"Well, that was easier than normal," Ty commented as we walked away from our last job of the day.

It was late afternoon, the setting sun reflecting light off the windows of the tall buildings. My black trench coat flapped at my legs in the slight breeze, catching on my sword every now and then.

"Yeah, not a bad day at all," I said back. "Bet we got the easy ones today."

"Oh yeah, for sure."

We came up to an ordinary looking office building on our right. It was tall and clean but with no identifying markers other than a logo of a bright green orb surrounded by green and black code that was stuck next to the door. I opened the door for Ty and we went inside. The foyer had two doors, an elevator to the upper levels and a few chairs for people to sit in, with a desk pushed up against one wall. Ty and I nodded to the receptionist behind the desk then headed to the elevator. Ty breathed a sigh of relief once the metal doors closed behind us.

"I don't know why, but I always get nervous whenever we walk in here," he muttered.

I laughed and pressed one of the multiple buttons. Instantly, the elevator rapidly ascended until it stopped and opened up to a large space that was a far cry from the office below.

Pretty much, it was a tech-genius' dream. Computers, TV screens, hard drives, computer parts, coffee machines, armoury, medical ward, we've got it all. And we need to, since this is the base of the glitches in our city. It had a few rooms, the centre one being our base of operations. Large windows gave us a decent view of a few streets but they were tinted so that no one couldn't see in. Several people were walking around the base, most wearing the attire of a glitch while others were wearing casual clothes.

"Ty! Adam!" A man called.

"Hey Ian!" Ty called back.

Ian strolled up to us. Like us, he wore a dark blue t-shirt under a black trench coat that had a band of dark blue around the middle and at the end of the sleeves. He also had black pants, grey shoes and black sunglasses. His brown hair was neatly cut and his diamond sword hung at his waist. Another glitch.

"Did you get up to much today?" I asked.

"Quentin and I had a close run with a trojan, which was interesting. Destroyed most of the server, the guy wasn't too happy about that."

"That's why you're not supposed to click on those pop-up ads," Ty muttered.

"What about you guys?"

"Took out two worms and a trojan at Sparkles Tech and a few routine checks," I said. "Just the usual deal."

While we caught up, we walked through the base to the unofficial hangout room. Several other glitches were relaxing here, their work finished for the day. There was Quentin lounging on the couch in his light-blue-and-orange colour scheme, talking to Barney (wearing a purple and green trench coat), Mitch (red and black colour scheme) playing cards against his partner Jerome (red, black and white scheme) and Ross fiddling on his phone in his light grey and white trench coat. Mitch glanced up when we approached them.

"Hey Ty, Adam. How's it going?" he asked, turning his attention back to his game.

"Not too bad," Ty said. "What are you guys playing?"

"Blackjack," Jerome answered, not taking his eyes off his cards.

"Are you betting?" Ross asked suddenly, looking up from his phone.

"The loser has to buy the winner lunch tomorrow," Mitch said, picking up.

"Anyway, did you guys get up to much today?" I asked the group.

System Failure (An Adesa Fanfic) [Originally by Littlewolf65]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz