Chapter 2

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No one understands the darkness within a person, until its fingerprints have claimed a soul.

Yellow tape, black writing with 'police line do not cross' surrounded the scene. Joggers passed the body when they went running in the park; they came across a mangled corpse in a ditch. FBI special agent Kylie Miller was assigned to the case with her partner Dr. Mike Williams.

Mike crouched down to the body and with his gloved hands he looked at the decomposed body.

"Male, Caucasian, late teens to early twenties. At the state of his decomposition he's been here roughly a week and a half. Judging by the throat and his chest we're looking at a murder." He stated to his partner.

"Ok, you heard the Scientist, let's take this guy to the lab." She shouted to the FBI team at the scene that had started collecting evidence.

"No. Miller, we have to gather particulates, photograph the scene, let my team gather the evidence we need, while you wait search the area in case the killer left something behind." Mike told her, Kylie gave a short nod, and went to her FBI team indicating to scour the land.

"Yo Miller, Come over here, for a second." Mike called. A few moments later she returns with a puzzled look on her face.

"The Heart Silencer is back in action, I thought these wounds looked familiar. The heart has been taken and the throat has been cut, just like the last four victims." Mike said, which made Kylie look horrified. Even though Kylie had been in the crime industry for a long time, the sight of a mangled corpse still got to her.

"Ok, so this is the Heart Silencers fifth victim. Why after two years have they started again? What do these victims all have in common? All we can know now is, that the heart silencer must be familiar with the area. Otherwise they wouldn't have chosen such a risky place, knowing anyone from the public could be watching. Whoever this person is, their good. He or she has that sort of confidence, they're taunting us. They know they're going to be hard to find." Her tone went cold, knowing that the media would have a field day with that sort of information. What she didn't know was that they just arrived wanting to know more about the Heart Silencer.


He turned the TV off, satisfied knowing they still use his nickname that he gained after the third person he killed. A nickname that everyone would cower in fear, when they heard it. He knew the police were no match for himself, that he could get away with murder. He knew his intelligence would help him get away from it.

Walking away from the TV he walked away, letting the satisfaction over come himself.

Pulling his shoes on as he walked out the door looking for his next victim.


"Here, I thought I'd bring you some coffee." Kylie placed the large regular coffee on the table with all Mikes notes on this case and the previous cases involving the heart silencer.

"So we ran the facial reconstruction though the data base and the victim turned out to be a local high school student by the name Robert Johnson age 18." Kylie said, reading from the file she brought over.

"Another thing, we looked through his social media accounts and he has a lot of pictures with him and Jasey Collins." She stated.

"Ok. Of course she'd be involved with the victim, she has the other four as well... What I don't understand is why they're all turning up dead. We have no evidence of a struggle, it looks like anyone could have done it." Mike sighed rubbing his face, trying to release the stress that was building up.

It didn't take long for Kylie to be at Mike's side, kissing up his neck.

"Kylie, stop. That was only a one time thing. We're partners, we shouldn't be doing this." He groaned, finding it harder to find words.

"We could be partners in more than one way you know." Kylie winked while taking a step back.

"Ok, I have to go, I have to get up early tomorrow I got people to interrogate for the case. Don't stay too late." She said walking towards the door, she opened the door and held it.

"Williams you know where to find me if you ever want some fun." Kylie suggestively smirked, before walking out the door.

Mike was trying regain his focus, but he found it incredibly hard. As the thoughts of Kylie took over his mind. Mike picked up his pair of head gates, everything zoomed in so clearly he could see all the details on the bones. Mike gently picked up the cranium for further observation, to see if there was anything he missed earlier. Even though the cranium was magnified, there were no nicks, cracks or bruises. It looked perfectly normal. The only thing that was irregular was 2 broken ribs. The t3 and 4 true ribs was broken, so the heart could be taken out. It looked like they were pushed, until they cracked into two. Just like the other victims.

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