chapter one: three months later

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"Just leave me alone, Isaiah." Olivia adjusted her bra strap, loosening it to make it comfortable. "I honestly just want to go home."

Isaiah watched her dress anxiously running his hands through the ruffled scarlet strands of his hair. "You still haven't told me what you wanted to do."

"I want to go home." She bent down to pick up her tank top from the floor and pulled it over her head half-heartedly. "Are you going to drive me or am I going to walk?"

"I mean, I'll drive you if you tell me that there is still an us." He said.

"What do you mean?" Olivia wiggled into her skinny jeans.

"I mean, are we breaking up again or are we still together?"

Olivia scoffed. "We just had sex for the third time in the last two weeks and you're asking me if we're still together?"

"So we are, then?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, walking over to Isaiah and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Of course."

The shirtless boy gave her a lopsided grin. "Good to hear."

nine hours later...

"So you fucked him again." Hannah chewed on her gum, glaring daggers at Olivia as she pulled her algebra ii textbook out of her locker.

"Hannah, I said to give me one year," Olivia sighed.

"And it's been three months."

"Yes, which means nine more."  Olivia slammed her locker shut.

"Well, isn't someone aceing math." Hannah blew a lazy bubble with her gum and popped it a moment after. "Have you even started?"

"Things like this take time," Olivia stuffed the textbook into her bag. "But yes actually I have."

Hannah raised an eyebrow. "Really."

"Yes, really." Olivia said. "Don't think for a second I'm not taking this seriously, Hannah."

Hannah didn't say anything for a moment, continuing to chew her gum. She concluded the conversation with, "Alright then," and headed off to her first class, leaving Olivia to head off to her alone.

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