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Frank was so taken aback by Gerard's strange reaction to whatever he'd been looking at on the computer that he didn't even register Gerard's question, or any innuendo he would normally have attached to it. Gerard never acted like this, awkwardly avoiding conversation and shying away from him. If anything, Gerard was usually the one who initiated the physical contact when they were in private, the tactile little fucker. Now he was practically leaning off the bed trying to get away from Frank. Frank couldn't help but feel a little injured. Trying not to let any of the hurt be heard in his voice, Frank asked, a little more forcefully this time, "What were you looking at?"

Gerard shook his head, his eyes flickering around the room. "It's nothing." When Frank didn't say anything, Gerard finally looked at him, his eye contact forced and obviously straining. Frank held his gaze obstinately. "Really," Gerard said, in not at all a convincing way. "It's nothing."

Frank still said nothing. Gerard blushed.

Frank sprung for the laptop, his hands shooting out and trying to grab it from Gerard's lap. "No!" Gerard almost shouted, without even a trace of comedy. For a while, the two of them grappled for control over the computer, Gerard strangely focussed on keeping the laptop close to his body.

"Oh my God, just tell me!" Frank shouted at him, his legs getting tangled with Gerard's and the bed sheets, hands still prying at the laptop, which Gerard still had a good grip on. "What could it possibly be that's that bad, dude?" Frank relaxed his grip, calming his struggle and trying momentarily to disengage from the tangle of Gerard's limbs and hotel blankets. Gerard said nothing, letting Frank untangle himself. It was as he was watching Frank that he relaxed his grip on the laptop, and Frank sprung.

The laptop was out of Gerard's grip and into Frank's hands before Gerard even saw Frank coming from the other side of the bed. Frank let out a triumphant squeal in the same breath as Gerard released a loud noise of defiance, trying to grab back the laptop from Frank. But Frank had already scrambled to the opposite edge of the bed and was hugging the computer to his bare chest, giggling madly. Frank flashed an evil grin over at Gerard, who's face was red with what might have been aggravation, or...

Frank happened a look at the area that Gerard had, until now, been somewhat successfully covering with his laptop. "Oh my God," Frank laughed, making Gerard's blush deepen even further. "Oh my God, are you looking at porn? Dude, it's nothing to be ashamed of, why the big secret? Have you got some weird kink or something that I don't know about?" Frank turned away from Gerard and was about to open the screen when Gerard said quietly from the other side of the bed, "Please don't."

Frank looked back at Gerard, sensing a note of seriousness in Gerard's tone that he hadn't detected before. Gerard's jaw was set and his eyes steadily focused on the hotel wall, his hands resting tensely on his knees. He didn't look at Frank as he said, "Just don't. It'll just be awkward."

That was what did it. As much as a big part of Frank wanted to respect Gerard's wishes, especially after being asked so seriously like that, he couldn't resist at that point. He needed to know what Gerard possibly thought could be awkward between them – after all the things they'd done on stage, every weird conversation they'd had, sexual or otherwise, after every secret they'd shared. Frank had to know. With a strong twinge of guilt, but an even stronger feeling of victory, Frank opened the laptop. Gerard cringed, and Frank mumbled 'Dude, how bad can it be?' before focusing his eyes on the screen.

There was a moment of silence as Frank took in what he was seeing. He scrolled down. Then, before he could think about what he was doing, Frank burst into hysterical laughter. "Fuck off!" Gerard shouted, now sporting a blush that resembled a severe sunburn. The singer pushed himself off the bed and launched himself across the room over to the window and dragged the curtains open, as if trying to escape the situation. Frank couldn't quiet his swells of hysterics, and had to talk between gasps of air as he addressed Gerard. "Dude, you're reading fan fiction? About –oh my God, it's about us. Oh my God." And then he couldn't talk anymore, because the bubbling laughter had taken over again, and he could hardly breath.

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