Iyoka cried. She could truly understand what they were going through. No matter what the future held, there pack would never be so cruel, so heartless, . Geraldo stopped, he had to compose himself to finish the story. "One day father approached me and said he could forgive me if I sent her and the children away. I refused then he threw us out. Marisol was a toddler, and Rosita was a baby. She had not conceived Javier yet, but before long, she did. We left to compound carrying nothing but our clothes and the food some of the pack members sneaked to us. We walked for days. I carried Marisol and Angel carried Rosita. No one would give us sanctuary. Father called and asked that no one helped us. I found a small place in the city and became a criminal. I got caught and was sent to prison." Iyoka gasped.

Geraldo pressed on. "Prison was awful. As a wolf, they could not dominate me, but to stay alive, I exerted my authority over many males in that place. There were times that I had to violate other men to exert my dominance. I hated it, but it became a part of what I was. I met a few wolves that came through and took them under my protection. Braden was one. He was released and vowed to help me find my family and he did."

He looked away, ashamed of his past, knowing that she might refuse him now. He finished the tale. "Iyoka for almost two decades, I was a caged animal, but the moment I was free, I searched for them. I never want my children to know how depraved I was in prison, but I survived. That is why killing your parents was so easy. I have done much worse. However, I need you to know this, you, our children, BJ, Jules, our pack, and our friends, never need to fear me. The man I was there was who I had to be to survive. He is not here. He is gone now."

He stopped. Iyoka was completely silent. He looked at her and gasped as silent tears flowed down her cheeks. She cried for him and Angel. She cried for their lost youth, and the cruelty they endured.

"Geraldo, everyone has their demons. I am just glad you are here now and we can rebuild together. You saved us and I believe you went through all of those horrible times to be ready for this moment. You accept us; you accept me, flaws and all. You accept my daughter, even though she should be my biggest shame. She is my most prized possession. Your children love you and they forgive you. They are a credit to you and their mother. They are a credit to BJ and Julianne. Rosita is so compassionate, and beautiful. Yesterday, I saw her with some of the other girls. They open up to her. She comforts them. Javier is a genius, with his guidance, many of our boys are helping rebuild and repair worn structures. I only met Marisol briefly, but that girl loves both you and BJ with her whole heart." Iyoka moved and kneeled before her mate.

Geraldo smiled, "You killed them. You killed my parents and Joe to protect me. I will always love you for that," she whispered.

Geraldo blushed, "I planned to seduce you the first time. Carry you off to a romantic getaway and spend hours convincing you to be with me. But I want you now, Iyoka, I want to mate with you, claim what is our right. I can wait if you need time. I know this is quick. But can I woo you, get to know you, and prove to you I can be a great mate and fantastic father." He asked.

"You have nothing to prove, Geraldo. I am yours. I need to feel your mark. I need every bitch in this place to know you are mine. We can wait and join later. But know this, we will mate soon." Iyoka whispered huskily.

Geraldo leaned forward and tasted her soft lips. Iyoka parted her lips, tasting his tongue. Iyoka moaned. Her male was the sexiest man she's seen in a long time. She stepped back. Geraldo was tall, dark, his deep eyes almost black with his desire. The shirt he wore barely contained his broad shoulders.

He was so handsome, that he stole her breath. He always wore his hair bound with a leather thong. Iyoka reached behind his neck, freeing his glorious black man. Geraldo was ten to see her red tresses flow freely as he released them from their catch.

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