Pt. 2

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From what do these illogical and yet terrifying thoughts stem? Is there some deep untapped well of fear that lies dormant within us and these disturbing and intrusive thoughts of shadow and darkness just spilled drops of what truly lies within the infinite mind? Or are these fears justified? Do they stem from some sort of evolutionary terror? Was man so afraid of the dark that he created the first monster? These are the questions that bore holes into my head and let the more frightening possibilities leak out. We have all seen monsters, whether real or imaginary. As children we saw them behind every cracked door and under every bed and yet now as adults we see them both within ourselves and in the hearts of others. What if the thing that really lurks in the darkness is not some great drooling beast with pointed fangs and razor claws waiting to gobble us up but a pure and unadulterated reflection of ourselves, one in which we truly see the monster that takes form deep in our subconscious, the monster that haunts our dreams and shakes us to wakefulness. What if the real monster is us?

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