Juliet: a breakthrough

Start from the beginning

"They just got back together," I groaned.

We stood up and walked to the door just as Dagonet burst in.

"Mom!" he shouted, waving a ring in the air. "I did it! Well, it was Corryn and I, but we did it!"

"Did what?" I inquired. "Can it wait for dinner?"

The question took him back and he paused for a moment. "I...I guess so," he stammered. "Is Galahad here?"

"He usually is," Mikaela told him. "Quinn and the boys should be already down there."

Dagonet looked terrible, with dark bruises under his eyes and greasy hair. He hadn't eaten in days and hadn't slept in a week. I put my hand on his bony shoulder to heal him, but he pulled away from me.

"Don't," he warned. "I'm coated in change magic, it'll react to me."

"Then Dagonet, go take a shower," Mikaela ordered, looking her son up and down. "You look like a vagrant living on the street, not a nobleman. I'm sure you can find some clean clothes."

"But I hate water," he complained. "It's horrible."

"Your muscles are so tense I'm surprised you haven't snapped something," I added. "Hate it all you like, but it will help. Please, Dagonet."

He grumbled a little and then stomped off down the hall. Mikaela shook her head and we headed for the dining room. A familiar ghost floated up the stairs just as we were coming down. Corryn paused on the stairs and then began to follow us.

"Where is Dagonet?" he asked. "He was very set on finding you, Mikaela."

"He found us, all right," Mikaela said. "And then I sent him for a shower."

"Damn, even Nimue couldn't do that," Corryn remarked. "He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, I refused to help him, but that backfired because then he would work with or without my help. Even I'm tired."

"You're dead, you can't be tired," I told him.

Corryn sighed. "Hate me all you want, but I'm still dead, Juliet," he said. "Can't you live and let go?"

"How can I when you are a constant reminder?" I countered. "Anyway, why did you come along?"

"Firstly, I didn't know you were here," he remarked. "Dagonet wanted me to, but also because I'm hoping that I can convince Nick to let me spend the night in my own room. It's always nice not to worry about Gawain or Dagonet or anyone else for a day or two."

"You lead a rather cushy existence," Mikaela commented.

"Hey, you'll only end up dead if you want to," he said. "That's hardly fair."

"I don't die nearly as much as I used to." She sniffed and held her nose in the air. "I'm maturing."

"Emphasis on the continuation," I laughed. "Hello Quinn."

Mikaela's husband looked dubiously at our little procession. He had no way of knowing both Corryn and I were here.

"Mikaela, why is it that Corryn ends up here all the time?" he inquired. "I mean, it's hard to be offended when he is dead and all, but he was a murdering psychopath. We seem to have forgotten that."

"I haven't forgotten," I said.

"Neither have I," Corryn muttered.

We all whirled to stare at him. He startled.

"I mean that I haven't forgotten my crimes, not that I was planning on continuing them," he growled. "I'm dead. I can't touch a toothpick, let alone use magic."

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