It's Just A Little Crush - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Since you were the only one home, you decided to take advantage of the pool and hot tub that the house provided. You changed into your swimsuit, grabbed a towel and your iPod with your speaker before going outside. The sun was just starting to set when the music started to play through the speaker. You laid your towel on one of the chairs and walked over to the pool.

You slowly walked down the stairs before just diving underwater. You popped out of the water slicking your hair back out of your face. You swam a few laps in the pool before getting out to get in the hot tub. Normally hot tubs weren't your thing, but knowing this was a private house, settled your nerves about a bit.

You closed your eyes as you let the warmth and jets soothe your aching muscles. Working in Jamaica was an experience. The house was huge and amazing. The view of the beach was outstanding and just getting to do something you loved was the best thing ever. It also didn't hurt that you were working with Harry. At that point, you hadn't really been able to have a one on one conversation without a camera in your hand with him, but you could still tell he was a genuine guy, who was having the best time of his life. 

You also had to admit to yourself that whenever you were around him, you got a little nervous. Now, you couldn't really tell if it was because you had been such a huge fan of his for years, or if it was because it was even more beautiful and attractive in person and you were starting to crush on him big time. You'd never said it out loud, but it was more than likely the latter. 

The sound of a chair scooting across the concrete of the back porch brought you out of your thoughts and caused your eyes to shoot wide open. You were a bit freaked out seeing as how everyone was supposed to be gone, it freaked you out a bit more when you realized the person who was home, was Harry himself. 

"Uh, S-sorry," Harry said holding his hand up. "I uh...I heard the music..."

"Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was here," you said quickly getting out of the hot tub.

You practically ran over to the chair picking up your iPod and clicking stop. "I didn't mean to bother you."

"Oh, don't worry about it," he said. "That's one of my favorite songs."

"Really?" You said.

He laughed nodding. "Yeah, I uh didn't... mean to uh scare you or disturb you or anything..." 

 It wasn't until you noticed his gaze shift a bit downward, that you were standing there half naked in a swimsuit. You discreetly grabbed your towel to wrap around yourself so he wouldn't know you caught him looking at you.

"Oh, it's okay, like I said I didn't know anyone was here, so you caught me a little off guard," you said. "But uh, speaking of that, you didn't want to go out with the rest of the guys?" You asked. 

He shook his head. "Today was a long day, I just want a chill night."

"I understand," you nodded.

"Have yeh eaten dinner?" He asked.

"No, actually," you laughed. "Now, that you've mentioned it, I haven't really eaten all day."

"We're not working yeh too hard are we?" He asked.

"Oh, no, when I'm working I tend to only focus on the task at hand and forget about a rumbling stomach," you laughed.

"Well, I made myself some dinner, and there's plenty, so come have some," he smiled. "We can maybe use this time to get to know one another a little bit better."

"Okay, sure, sounds good," you said following him into the house. "Uh, let me dry off a bit and change. I'll be right back." 

He nodded looking in your direction as you walked to your room, his face blushing as certain thoughts of you clouded his mind. He shook his head as he went over and grabbed some plates from the cabinet and portioned the food out for the two of you. Harry got some wine glasses and poured the glasses halfway before placing them at the table. 

He took a deep breath as he waited for you to come home, hoping that he didn't make a complete fool of himself around you. Not that it should matter, really, given the circumstances of your professional relationship to one another, but to him it did. 


Fast-forward a month into your stay in Jamaica and you had become quite close with everyone, especially Harry. You were in the living room uploading some footage onto your computer, while Harry and the guys were outside working on a new song. Mitch and Adam were talking about something so Harry took that as an opportunity to look over at you.

He'd be lying to himself big time if he said he wasn't attracted to you. Hell, he knew that the second he saw you. But now that he's gotten to know you, he definitely had some sort of feelings towards you. While it started off as more of an attraction, after that night of chatting over dinner, he was crushing hard.

"Could you be any more obvious?" Jeff laughed waving a hand in front of Harry's face.

"I don't know what yeh talking about," he said turning back to look at the words he had written in his journal.

"You have the hots for Y/N," he smirked. "You want to make your own little movie with her, don't you?"

"Shut the fuck up," Harry said. "We're friends."

"You can be friends and still fuck," he shrugged. "I get it, she's beautiful and she's the only female in the house full of testosterone."

"Will you shut up, please?" Harry groaned. "Jesus, I'm here to work on my album and that's it."

"Just because that was the purpose of this trip, doesn't mean you can't jump an opportunity that comes available," he said.

"Even if I wanted to take her out, she'd never go with me," Harry said. "She technically works for me, doing that'll compromise our business relationship."

"Are those your words or hers?" Jeff asked.

Harry didn't say anything, so Jeff took that as his answer. 

"Look, just ask her out already because this whole staring from afar is really annoying and fucking creepy," he said.

Harry rolled his eyes looking back over at you. You had looked over in his direction giving him a smile when you locked eyes. As cheesy as it was, he felt his heart flutter a little and he knew Jeff was right. Not that he'd ever tell him that. 

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for the two of you to get together. He was the one who hired you, technically, so there wasn't really anything in the contract about the two of you dating. He knew this was too soon to tell, but what if you were the one for him, the one he was meant to be with for the rest of his life. Okay, maybe that was too much especially since he's only known you for a month, but there was just something about you that drew you to him and made him he feel something he never had before. 

So, now, it was settled. Harry would ask you out, he just hoped you'd say yes.

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