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My name is Yarden Wallace as you should know and this is my own personal story. I don't want you to think that this is some stereotypical love story where the girl gets the guy or the other way around because this story is much different.

Where do I begin? I'm going to start my story in mid September of 2017. His name was Klaus Friedrich. He stood six feet tall, slender build, and he was African-American and German mix. Over the summer, one of my best friends, Olivia went to an overnight retreat at the local university where she showed a group of foreign exchange around the city. During the retreat, she met Klaus.

Klaus, at the time, was going through relationship troubles. His current, now ex, was extremely paranoid about him going to the retreat. She was worried that he would met someone else and cheat on her. That's where the first conflict arose. Olivia became friends with Klaus and that's when the photos started appearing of the two of them together.   

That was just the beginning... Little did I know, Klaus would be the beginning of a month long struggle.

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