Chapter 15

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I see the photo on Victoria's phone and a part of me cringes. I haven't seen Harry in a few months but we've spoken. This model was someone he met at Nick's party about six months ago. He isn't seeing her, but by the shot, I can only believe Harry's PR firm and manager are responsible for the 'leaking' of this photo. I glance up at her eyes and she doesn't seem angry but perhaps a little hurt. I want to say the right thing but I also want to be honest with her.

"Uh, I believe that is a model Harry met at Nick's party a few months ago" I say nonchalantly. I don't add anything to the sentence, hoping the answer I provide is enough.

Victoria's eyes look back and forth into mine as if to determine whether I am telling her the truth. She sighs and nods. "So just someone he met at a party and of course, she's a model – his PR machine is at it again aren't they?" she asks me.

I want to pull her into my arms and hold her. There is something in her eyes that tells me believes it's just a picture but there is also that knowing that says she understands it's PR. That's the last thing she wants, even if she cares for him.

I shrug as I place my hands on her shoulders. "I honestly don't know. I won't deny it sounds really, coincidental the picture was leaked when it was. Harry hasn't really been out with anyone that I know of and I mean that. I know that doesn't exactly answer your question but I'm not going to speculate. You'll have to ask Harry."

Victoria smiles at me and says "Hey, it doesn't matter; we're just friends. And I can't wait to see the studio and for you to meet Nico. You're gonna love her. Everybody does!" she bounces as she hugs me quickly then gets into the Rover.

Willie, who also stepped out of the Rover, looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Nialler, are you okay? You seem a little surprised by the picture, and flustered trying to explain it to her."

"Yeah, but I also don't want to guess on what is going on with Harry. He's my mate and I love him. If he's stupid enough to do something this idiotic, I'm not going to just sit back and watch him hurt her. She deserves better."


"Let it go, Willie. Let's get to the Grouse so we can start having some fun."

"Sure, Nialler. Why don't you let me drive? Sit in the back with Victoria."

"Thanks, Willie" I tell him as I walk back to the Rover.


Niall joined me in the back of the Rover where he continued to tell me about his family and friends, his adventures and how excited about his new album he was. I truly loved watching his enthusiasm.

Two of his band members, Jake and John were in the car with us and just as funny and full of life as Niall. They were so good at joking and stories that the hour and a half flew by and we were at the studio.

"Oh, my God, what a beautiful place, Niall" I said with awe. "I can see why you'd like to record and stay here" I say as I step out of the car and take in everything around me. I close my eyes and listen to things around us as well as taking a deep breath. It's like every nerve ending is exposed.

I hear the crunching of gravel behind me and suddenly I felt arms around me. Opening my eyes, I turned around and was stunned to see Harry standing in front of me.

"Hey, Angel. I didn't expect to see you here. Hey, Irish! You look good." He said as he slapped Niall on the back.

I stepped back and out of Harry's arms; shock on my face but also a hint of anger.

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