Chapter Two Pt.1

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Elizabeth's POV

As I walked down the aisle, each step resonating across the grand hall of the castle. I looked up in excitement. Turning to the priest, I was finally going to start my reign.

After the minutes past. The ceremony was done.

"Now I present to you, Queen Elizabeth! May her reign be prosperous and bring blessings to our Kingdom!" The priest announced and multiple joyous shouts and claps rang throughout the whole castle.

I waved and smiled happily, ready to serve my people. But I didn't know what the start of my reign would bring for me.

BANG! BANG! BANG! Shotguns were heard. Screams and utter chaos erupted. People were running around in fear. Children were crying. Everything was in a mess. What was happening? Where was the danger? No, this can't be. Please, not today. Not on my coronation!

As I turned to my husband, Marcus. We shared a look. We knew it was happening. It would be on one of my special days, and it happened on my coronation. Everything was a blur, my mind was filled with countless questions, my heart was racing. I wasn't paying attention. And I didn't know that would be my greatest mistake.

In a flash, Marcus was infront of me.

In a second, blood stained his shirt.

In a blink of an eye, a soulless body remained.

He was shot in the heart.


But that was in the past. I looked at Marcus' portrait in front of me...

Where would I be right now if I had taken the bullet..? Would I be happier?

I did not realise a tear had rolled of my cheek. My shoulders shook as my lips quivered. The sadness and grief was evident on my face. But life moves on. So should I.

I straightened my body and quickly wiped my tears as there was a knock on the door. Then appeared Prince Jarred.

" Hey are you alright? It's today right? It's been years now. You know I'm here for you forever and always. " Jarred looked at me with concern in his eyes.

" I know... it's just... never mind. As long as I have you, I'm alright." I looked up and our eyes met, Jarred walked towards me closer the door, filling the gap between us. We looked at each other, silence surrounded us. Our eyes expressed more than what could ever be said.

Suddenly, the door opened. Princess Alexandra ran into the room and hugged the couple.

" Hi mom and dad! " Alexandra said, smiling ear to ear.

Unknowingly breaking an intimate silence. Marcus and and I laughed at her childish behaviour.

" Now, time to be a bit serious. Your reign will begin tomorrow. I love you and don't be too stressed alright?" I looked at Alexandra concerned for her.

"Don't worry mom. I'll be alright" Alexandra said while hugging both her parents.

I left the room to the grand hall.

" We have to get ready! I want everything to be perfect for my daughter! " I told the maids making sure every peice was in its place.

Checking all the preparations and tasting the foods if they were tasty enough. While I was walking around, I spotted Alexandra in the corner of the hall. She was staring right ahead, her face showing a lifeless expression. Concerned, I walked towards her.

" Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

" I'm just... nervous. Soon, I will be in charge of this kingdom. It's just so hard to believe." Alexandra replied.

" Don't worry. You'll be an amazing queen. " I told her.

As I hugged her and gave her a reassuring smile, Alexandra mouthed thanks and I walked away to give her some space to calm down.

With my heels clicking and resonating throughout the hallway, I entered a room with the head guard and top trained palace guards lined up behind him. Putting on a serious face and making sure my words were icy clear, I looked at each of them in the eyes and said.

" I want all of you to patrol the whole castle and make sure that nothing happens during my daughter's coronation! Is that clear? Don't let anything get through again! "

" Yes, your majesty." They replied.

Without looking back or saying another word, I left the room as if nothing happened.

Chatter filled the grand hall, people looked around in awe while some whispered to their company's ears. It was hard not to notice the great increase of guards even if they were standing in the shadows.

I walked to Jarred's side.

"You think everything's going to be alright?" I hugged him and buried my face into his chest.

" Don't worry love, everything's gonna be alright." Jarred whispered into my ear and rubbed my back soothingly.

I was scared, terrified. At least my daughter did not have a husband to lose for something were to happen. I was terrified and scared, but I had to put up a strong front. There were almost double the guards this time, and all were specially trained and loyal.

As we stood side by side, with Jarred holding my hand to provide comfort. The coronation began.

How is the story so far? Any thoughts on what is gonna happen when Princess Alexandra becomes Queen?

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