My First Kiss

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" Kuro.. Fucked anyone yet?"Allen sounded, grinning at the male beside him. "No"Kuro replied monotonously, glaring at the American.Allen raised a brow,the grin fading away from his lips."Have you fucked anyone before? I mean.. Are you still a virgin?"Kuro glared sharply at Allen, his gaze telling the annoying American to shut up. Allen gave an amused smirk. "You're a virgin? Had your first kiss yet?"
"Y-"Kuro was cut off by another voice. "Aiyah. Kuro? He hadn't even got a chance to kiss anyone. He didn't even had his first kiss!"Xiao shot up, grinning cruelly at Kuro. The red eyed male twitched, wanting to strangle them. Allen was amused and laughed, interrupting Luciano's speech.

The Italian yelled curses at the American which Allen gladly reply back with terrible jokes and sarcasm which led into a horrible fight where Luciano began throwing weapons at him. Everyone in the room walked out except for Viktor. The Russian male was very amused so he stayed to see the room get destroyed.

"Damn bastards.. Always acting like children."Francoise perked up, lighting his cigarette. "That is not nice!"Oliver sounded, scolding the French.

"Anyway...who is the main cause for this fight?"James sounded, annoyed. There was silence. "I-I think i-its Allen."Klaus replied, his voice trembling. "I meant who made Allen fucking laugh? You know how Luciano hates being interrupt."James groaned.

Xiao turned to Kuro. "We did."The Chinese man sounded. "You? What did you even told him? A fairy tale?"Francoise gave an annoyed look.

"Kuro havent had his first kiss."

There was silence..

Everyone laughed.

"Seriously! You haven't had your first kiss? You're always the perverted one and yet you're still a virgin."Lutz smirked. Kuro shot them a glare. "I'm waiting for the right one"
"Seriously kuro.. You're like a thousand years old now and you hadn't kisses anyone or had sex with anyone! " kuro ignored them all as he left.

Oliver frowned. He wasn't laughing at Kuro. Instead he felt bad for the Japanese man. "That wasn't nice of you!"Oliver sounded, glaring at them. They all stared at him. "I mean,, if you were in his place, how would you feel?"
"Pathetic."Francoise replied. Oliver sighed.


Kuro was at home. Calming himself down as he stroked his pet dog.


The Japanese man looked up to see the pink haired male smiling at him. "What do you want?"
"Look.. I'm sorry for-"
"Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault"

Oliver was silent. Kuro didn't look at him.

"Kuro.. Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure"Kuro nodded. "Why.. Haven't you had your first kiss?"
" one liked me"Kuro replied, narrowing his eyes. "Why?"
"..I'm weird. I'm a pervert. I'm 'creepy' and I don't like people"Kuro grumble. Oliver's lips turned into a tiny smile." you like anyone?"
"Who's the lucky girl-"
"Guy. I guess he doesn't like me back."Kuro mumbled, ignoring Oliver's gaze. "Oh. I hope he does. So you wouldn't be sad. Anyway.. I brought cakes for you!"The pink haired male grinned widely.
"Uh. Thanks.. "Kuro gave an awkward smile. "I should get going now. I have.. Work to do.. Goodbye kuro."Oliver got up from his seat. The Japanese male nodded. The Brit smiled and left.

Kuro sighed. Looking up at the blue sky..

xoxoxoTime Skipxoxoxo

Another fight broke in the meeting room. Kuro felt so ashamed. "Oliver."he called out. The British man didn't stop.
"Please just stop teasing him and calling him names!"

"Oliver I can defend myself-"
"No. I had enough seeing you alone defend yourself."Kuro stood there. Confused.

He's such a good friend. Even though I hurt him more than once.. He still cares for me...

"Oliver. I don't need pity from anyone"

"Kuro."Oliver's gaze soften. Everyone became quiet. "I don't need pity from you. I can stand on my own feet. I don't need anyone to help me."He continued.

"Besides.. Why do you care so much about me?"

Oliver swallowed the lump in his throat. "I.. I.. I.. "

"You what? Just tell me already!"

"Because I like you okay?!"Oliver yelled. kuro fell in silence. The room was silent. Everyone stared at them. "What? You can't be ser-"

"Im serious! I had a crush on you from when we first met!"Oliver clenched his fist. "B-because you were r-really nice.."
"I'm not ni-"
"You became my friend when nobody else wanted to...that's the nicest thing you've ever done"Oliver was shaking. Oh God, he was very confessing in front of everyone.

Kuro stepped forward and awkwardly wrap his arms around Oliver. The British male was shocked and confused.

"I.. I like you too"Kuro said in a whisper where only oliver can hear.

The pink haired male grin and grab Kuro's face, leaning down and kissed him. Kuro could hear gasping around them. Oliver let him go and grinned. "Got your first kiss"

Kuro turn away and blushed.

Kuro's First Kiss (2P!AsaKiku)Where stories live. Discover now