Pig of the family

Start from the beginning

“Oh. Right. Sorry.” Dad said quickly “You two are grounded.”

“Alexis, you’ll be doing the gardening.” Mom added. “And Lucia, you’ll be working on the inside of the house.”

“What?” Lucia whined. “Why does Alexis get to work in the garden and not me?”

“Because being grounded doesn’t mean doing something you love.” Mom explained. “And besides, if Lexy has to work inside, she’ll be spending that time watching TV and cleaning out our fridge.”

“You got a point.” Lucia sighed.

“Wait,” I said worried. “Do I at least get lunch breaks?”

Mom opened her mouth to respond, but closed it again then turned around and walked out the door. Dad followed like a good little soldier. He looked more like a lost puppy to me.

Once they were out of hearing range I sighed and turned to my sister. “So unfair.”

Lucia nodded. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I’m hungry.” I stated.

Lucia rolled her eyes. “I already know that.” She got up and walked to the door. “I’m taking Saphira for a walk, you coming?”

“No, not today. I promised dad I’d take a look at his car, it’s been having problems again. Maybe some other time.”

“Okay, see ya later.” Luc said then walked out the door and closed it behind her.

 I closed the hood of dad’s 1967 Chevrolet Impala, his pride and joy, after I was done repairing it and wiped my hands clean on my jeans. Mom’s gonna kill me.

“You finished?” Dad asked coming to stand next to me.

“Yep, all done.” I said picking up the tool box and put it back in the garage, dad followed.

“So what was wrong?” Dad asked.

“Nothing major.” I shrugged. “You said it was making a weird rattle noise, now which could be a couple of things. So I checked them all and turns out it was just an out of tune carb, so…” I stopped talking cause the look on dad’s face made it clear that he had no idea what I’m talking about. I laughed. “Nevermind, it’s fixed now.”

“I owe you one.” Dad said as we walked out the garage.

Dad has always been the fun parent, always bending the rules but he can be very strict at times, while our mom is the parent who cares about manners and discipline and homework and useless stuff like that.

Lucia got her looks and personality from our mom. I on the other hand got my personality from my dad, or at least, that's what people tell me.

But what I don't get is that I look nothing like either of my parents. But I guess that's normal, right?

I was outside playing football with dad and my dog Turbo, when Lucia and her dog, Saphira, came back and joined us. We played football until mom called us in for dinner. And as usual, I was the first one there. Everyone says I’m the pig of the family. But I guess it’s kinda true though.

“Hey Luc?” I asked my sister, gesturing to the steak on her plate. “You gonna eat that?”

She looked at me wide eyed. “Lex, you already had two.”

I gave her the puppy dog eyes, no-one can resist them, well maybe except for Mr Bender. But he’s just mean and heartless.

Luc sighed. “Fine.” She put the steak in my plate and I started scarving it down.

“You know,” Mom said to me. “Sometimes I think you might as well be a boy.”

“Compliment accepted.” I told her with my mouth full of steak.

“Eew.” Luc said. “I know I’ve said this a million times before, but I’m gonna say it again. I cannot believe we’re related.”

“Feeling’s mutual.” I replied.

She stuck her tongue out at me and I stuck mine out at her.

“Okay,” mom said standing up. “When you're done, please wash the dishes then go to bed.”

“Wait!” I called after her. “What about dessert?”

“Lex, how could you possibly eat more?” Mom asked confused.

I frowned and looked her straight in the eyes. "You underestimate my power."

Mom sighed as she closed her eyes and massaged her temple. “I’m gonna get a Asprin for my headache, then go to bed. It’s been a long day.” She walked out the kitchen and dad followed her after he told us goodnight.

“Lex, what are you doing?” Lucia asked when I picked up the phone and dialed my favorite number.

“Ordering pizza, duh.” I said like it was obvious. “You didn’t think I was gonna sleep without having dessert, did you?”

“I’m not even gonna answer.” Luc said and started cleaning the table while I talked on the phone. When I was done placing my order I helped Luc clean up and wash the dishes.

When we were done, Luc went upstairs to take a shower and I sat in the living room watching TV, waiting for my pizza. Only ten more minutes and it’s free. I don’t have any money to pay for it so I hope the guy is late. But tonight wasn’t my lucky night, the guy was five minutes early. “Ten bucks.” He told me.

“Could you just wait here for one minute?” I asked him. “I’ll be right back.” Then I ran upstairs to our room. After making sure Luc was still in the shower I went to her bed and lifted the mattress. I pulled out a envelope with her money in. It didn’t feel right to steal from my sister, so I asked her.

“Hey Luc, Can I borrow ten bucks, please.”

“Yes, of course my amazingly awesome sister,” I said in a slightly different voice, doing my best to sound like Luc.

“Thanks Lucia.” I thanked imaginary Lucia then quickly put the envelope back and ran down stairs and paid the pizza guy.

I'll pay her back somehow.....

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