We go to my room and they tell me to wrap toilet paper around my underwear just so I won't bleed on my bed. "Okay, when a girl starts to bleeds down there it's called a period," Rosalie says. "And not like the ending to a sentence," Mama says.

"Okay, every month or so the uterus which is the inside of the private area. The uterus lining gets thicker to prepare for a fertilized egg if the girl becomes pregnant. If the egg doesn't get fertilized, that lining is released from the body as blood through the females' private area. It's a monthly process" Rosalie says.

"So this will happen every month for the rest of my life?" I ask. "Well no at the point when you get old you'll stop getting them," mama says. "Do guys go through this too?" I ask. "No, and sometimes you'll get cramps," Rosalie says.

"Okay I got pads and tampons," Alice says. "Give her the pads let her start easy," Mama says. "Well, you sure about that cause if she's just flowing wouldn't it close your ears, Anastasia. Wouldn't it affect Jasper? "Oh yeah I didn't think about that give her the tampons," Rosalie says. I unplug my ears and they hand me the box of tampons and show me how to use them. Ugh, why does growing up have to be so complicated?

2 years later
Anastasia's POV

We're moving back to Forks, Washington and I'll be attending public school there for my high school years. Lucas, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and I will be in the 9th grade. Rosalie and Emmet will be in the 10th grade.

I'm packing and Jasper is helping me. "Thanks, I really appreciate this," I say. "No problem," he says. I go to reach for my picture of Rosalie and I and so does he and our hands' touch and his hand are cold as the rest of my family but I'm used to it.

I notice how close we are and I look at all of his facial features and I really see how gorgeous he is. I notice he's looking at my lips and he starts to lean forward and so do I until he pulls back and Rosalie walks in. "Hey both of you downstairs Esme and Carlisle need to talk to you Anastasia downstairs," she says.

Jasper and I sit on the love seat and Carlisle starts to speak. "Anastasia, do you believe in the supernatural ?" He asks me. "Um, you mean like vampires, werewolves, and stuff like that?" I ask. "Yes," he says. "Um well anything is possible," I say.

"Well I'm a vampire and so is everyone in this room except you," he says and I start to laugh until I notice everyone is serious. "Wait you're serious?" I ask. "Yeah," he says. "And don't worry we aren't gonna hurt you," Alice says. "Actually I'm not scared," I say. "And we don't feed off of the blood of humans just animals," Lucas says. I turn and look at nugget. "Don't worry we aren't gonna hurt her either" Emmet says. "We just wanted you to know before we move," Esme says.

"What so if y'all are dead how can y'all have me?" I ask. "I found you in the woods when you were a baby," Rosalie says. "But Anastasia you're still my daughter and I love you," My mom says. " I love you too, Well thank you for your honesty and I'm gonna go finish packing Jasper do you wanna come help?" I ask. "Yeah sure come on," he says and we both walk back upstairs.

When we get into my room I start to ask questions. "So what can Vampires do that humans can't?" I ask him. "We have super strength super speed and some Vampires have gifts," he says. "Show me," I say. Moves to the other side of my room in a blur and he picks up my bed with one arm. "Okay, I believe you," I say.

"So, what're gifts?" I ask. "Well gifts are a special ability a Vampire has like Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, Lucas can project people's thoughts, and I can manipulate and feel people's emotions," he says.

"So you can change what people feel," I ask. "Yes," he says. "Okay do me," I say preparing myself for my mood to change. "I can't, I can't manipulate or feel your emotions, Edward can't read your mind, and Lucas can't project your thoughts," he says. "Why is that?" I ask. "We don't know," he says.

Emmet walks in, "Hey Ana go take some of your belongings downstairs and Jasper helps me break down her bed," he says and we do as he says.

2 weeks later
We are all heading to the airport to Forks except my mom and dad who are already in Forks at the house. Three taxis show up Lucas, Alice, and Edward get into one. Rosalie and Emmet get into another and Jasper and I get into the last one.

The airport is two hours from the house I look back at the house and some memories come back then the driver drives off. Jasper is reading a book and I'm listening to music on my phone. After a while, I fall asleep until someone nudges me.

"Hey we're here come on," Jasper says. I get out and we're met with the rest of our "siblings". We all go through the airport and it seems I'm the virgin to airports given I've never been in one.

We board the plane and we sit in first class. I sit beside Jasper in the last seat and we sit in silence as he continues reading and I stream Netflix. The plane is about to take off and I look outside and I'm kind of nervous and then I feel a cold hand entangled with mine. I turn to see Jasper smiling at me, "Hey it's okay you'll be fine" he says. "Thanks, Jasper," I say.

Jasper's POV

Anastasia fell asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. I look up and see Emmet turned around smiling at me he gives me a wink and a thumbs up. Rosalie peeks her head out and glares at me she holds up two fingers and mouths "two more years" I just roll my eyes at her. I just continue to enjoy my flight and I look down at Anastasia my future.

Anastasia's POV

We got off the plane and we're on our way to Forks from the Seattle airport. Jasper, Rosalie, Emmet, and I are in Rosalie's car driving to the house.

"We haven't been here in a long time," Rosalie says. "Yeah I love the woods here," Emmet says. We're driving through what I guess is downtown it's kind of old fashion but I like it.

We're driving through the woods and I see a big house with large windows. I see my mom and dad standing by the entrance of the house. I get out and my mom hugs me.

"Welcome to your new home sweetheart," she says. "The last time you were here you were a baby," Rosalie says. "Come on let me give you a tour," she says dragging me into the house.

The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. We finally get to my room and she redecorated and I love it. She leaves me be and I sit and look around and think to myself that it might not be that bad here.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this fanfic I just published my very own book called Gems! Please check it out, I promise it'll keep your attention and excitement!

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