Chapter 1: Guests- "Crossed"

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-- Hey guys! So this is the first chapter of Crossed. 


Five Years Later

Aria woke in the same way she had so many years ago, with a light tap on her door. Gorn entered her room with breakfast, bowed, and waited. Aria looked over.

"Yes?" She smiled at him, curious at why he had stayed. Gorn cleared his throat.

"The master has informed me that you are to dress appropriately, as we have guests here." He nodded at her short nightdress. Aria nodded, and thanked Gorn as he left the room.

Aria studied herself in the mirror. She stretched her broad shoulders, sore from her days spent swimming. Her waist length brown hair was pulled into a bun, and she had applied a little makeup. She looked down at the simple wooden hairbrush. It was from her mother. One of the last gifts given to her daughter, preparing her for the years to come, before she died. Was murdered, in Aria's opinion. Aria's mother, like her father, (and presumably Aria in the future) were Death Eaters, the servants of Lord Voldemort. Tarey, Aria's mother, had been killed by a auror in a battle during the first Wizarding war. Aria vowed to kill the auror to avenge her mother, and anyone who stood in her way would receive the same fate.

Aria shook off these thoughts as she walked over to her wardrobe. She grabbed her swimsuit, a pair of running shorts, and her favorite shirt. She put the clothes on over her swim suit.

One never knew when you could stretch in a few laps when on a morning run.

She stepped out her door, heading to the kitchen for some of the blessed drink... coffee.

Preparing to pour herself a cup, Aria stood on her toes to reach a mug... which just happened to be her least favorite. Checking to see if there were any others clean, she sighed. This one would have to do. She picked at the black words on the side.

"I ❤️ Seekers" it read. Aria disposed the mug. It has been an April Fool's Day joke from her cousin, Evangeline Rosier. The only reason she kept it around was because she would give it back to Evangeline at Hogwarts, only to receive it on April Fool's again. It was a sort of running joke between the two.

Aria sighed again, wishing that there were any other cups clean, or at least that she could use magic to clean one, poured herself coffee and walked into the living room. She silently wondered where these "guests" were, but she saw them before she could wonder any longer. Aria spat out her coffee as she saw him.

Blaise Zabini, fellow Slytherin.

"What are you doing here?!" She exclaimed, setting her mug down on the nearest kitchen counter. Blaise scanned her and raised his eyebrows, smirking. She was about to question him further when she heard another voice behind her.

"No wonder you're smiling, Zabini." The voice said. Aria rolled her eyes and turned around, already knowing who it was. She faked a smile and rolled her eyes again.

"Draco." She said, drier than dry. He smirked.

"Aria, darling, love the mug." He said as he picked up her mug and inspected it, smiling to himself. "I play seeker, you know." Aria snorted.

"Yeah and so does Potter." She retorted, earning a snicker of approval from Blaise. Draco glared at him, but you could tell he suppressed a smile.

"Anyways," Aria said as she sat down on the couch, "Why're you here?" Blaise looked at Draco before whispering, "Parent stuff. Locked us out. Really important." He whispered, nodding his head towards the dining room. Aria nodded silently, understanding everything Blaise had said. Her father, Augustus Rookwood was very close to Voldemort, and must've needed to talk to other people very close to him... which unfortunately included the Malfoys.

Though Aria was a Slytherin through and through, she didn't exactly see eye to eye with some other Slytherins. Pansy Parkinson, for one. And yes, Draco was not on her good list either. In Aria's mind, he was, if simply put, annoying. No, his treatment of Potter and such didn't bother her, she hated the way he acted as if he owned everything and everywhere he was. She hated how he swaggered around, flashing his dark mark to everyone that would take a look at it, like it were some trophy. But most of all, she hated how he thought that every girl was weak at the knees for him. She did not like Draco Malfoy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the large oak doors leading to the dining room.

Augustus Rookwood stepped out of the room and walked over to Aria. He gestured to Blaise and Draco. He smiled a fake smile at Aria. "Aria, Draco and Blaise's family here will be staying with us for a few days, presumably until the start of term." He paused, his eyes lingering over her outfit with a look of great distaste. "And next time, greet our guests more suitably." Augustus swiftly turned and smiled at Lucius Malfoy, who stood in the foyer.

Aria seethed and glared at her father. "I was going for a run." She spat through gritted teeth, just loud enough for Blaise to hear. Augustus and Lucius stepped back into the large dining room they had been in before. Aria turned to Blaise.

"And I assume you're 'tagging along'?" She asked, folding her arms. Blaise looked at her, surprised.

"Actually, mum's here too. Lord knows, the house is big enough to fit us. What's got you all riled up?" Aria unfolded her arms, thoroughly angry now, both at her father, and Draco.

"None of your business!" She spat, and turned towards the foyer. She stormed towards the front door, folding her arms. She reached the door and stopped, taking a deep breath.

"If Father asks for me, tell him I'm at the lake." She said, and opened the door. "And don't you dare follow me." She said before slamming the door behind her.

Blaise let out a slow whistle, glancing at Draco.

"You sure about her? I mean...." Blaise asked. Draco looked up to where Aria had been a moment ago. He let out a small sigh.

"Dead sure."

-- What could he mean by that??? Hmmm...... you'll just have to see!

Love you guys

Will post more later!



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