chapter 7

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It was breakfast and Harry read his letter from sirius to Hermione, Ron and her. He read.

"Nice try, Harry. I'm back in the country and well hidden. I want you to keep me posted on everything going on at Hogwarts.  Don't use hedwig keep changing owls. Don't forget what I said about your scar. Sirius.".

"Why change owls?" Ron asked. Lavina rolled her eyes at him. No one was really paying attention in lessons. She finished potions half an hour early. She went up to her room and dropped her stuff off.

"Weasley straighten your robes!" Professor McGonagall snapped. Ron rolled his eyes before straightening his robes. "Lastrange is that jewellery?" McGonagall asked. "Yes Professor!" Lavinia smiled. McGonagall just shook her head knowing that Lavinia wouldn't take it off.

They had finally arrived. Beauxbatons were in a flying carriage. Durmstrang in a boat from under the black lake. When they were coming out of the boat the headmaster came with two boys behind him.

They followed them into the great hall. Lavina sat between Carl and James. There was some new foods at the table.  They had finished food and Professor Dumbledore was walking towards them with a girl. "Lastrange" he said. Both James and Lavina looked back. "Sorry. Miss Lastrange. A word please. " Professor Dumbledore said. "We'll wait!" Carl told her.

She walked up to Professor Dumbledore and the girl. "Yes?" She asked. "Well Miss Lastrange. There ain't really any more room in Ravenclaw. She wants to be with someone that's like Ravenclaw." He said. "Sir, I'm basically in Gryffindor. Plus thinking about recent deals, I can't help it if she says something I don't like." Lavina said. She heard James, Carl, Cameron and Fred laughing.

"Miss Lastrange, she won't say anything bad about your family. Just could she stay in your dorm?" Dumbledore asked. Lavina looked at the girl. "Ok." She sighed. "Thank you Miss Lastrange! Now i think your friends are waiting for you!" Dumbledore said.

Lavina and the girl made their way to Carl and the others. "It's about time you share that dorm of yours!" Fred grinned. "Shut up Weasley. Have the girls seriously left me with you idiotic boys?" She asked. "Yes my dear cousin!" Jacob laughed. "You shut up or I'll do a Percy on you." Lavina sighed.

James, Harvey and Lavina laughed. "What I'm confused!" George said. "Tell us!" Cameron demanded. James told them. "He seriously did that." Fred asked. He was laughing so much he fell down the stairs. Then Lavinia held into the railing for support while laughing.

"Bye guys. Also tell the girls thanks for ditching me with you lot" she called after them. She got in front of Leta. "Hey Leta. Elizabeth" she said. The portrait swung open. "So what's your name?" Lavina asked. "I'm Annalise" she smiled. "Well hi. I'm Lavina!" She smilies.

"What year you in?" Annalise asked. "I'm in fourth. Your obviously in seventh!" She said. "Yeah. Could we be friends?" Annalise asked. "Sure. But please do not mention the dark arts, Voldemorts followers or who everyone likes!" Lavina said. "I won't! I've heard of the Lastrange name. Are you related to the Malfoys? " Annalise asked. "Yeah!" Lavina said.

"Ahh, yes the family tree. My family is related to the Malfoys. Dracos fathers sister is my mother. His mother's sister is called Lastrange. She had like four children!" Annalise said. "Yeah. My mother is Bellatrix Lastrange. She had 4 children. Now she has two sane, one insane and one dead." Lavina said.

"What does that make us then?" Annalise asked. "Cousins I think." She said. "Well that's something." Annalise yawned. There was a second bed in Lavinas room.

In the morning Lavina woke up before Annalise. She got dressed and read the letter she had got from Tonks in the night.


I'm glad you made up with your brother. If you didn't I would've made a journey down to Hogwarts and made you. Hope your helping Jacob!


Once she had finished reading it Annalise came out dressed. "Let's go!" She said. Both Lavina and Annalise made their way down to the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. There was only a few people in there. Fred, George and Lee came striding up to them. "Liv,  we've done it!" Fred beamed. "Done what?" Annalise asked. "Ageing potion." Lee said.

Lavina rolled her eyes. "That's not gonna work!" Annalise whispered to her. "I know " Lavina sighed. They drank more than they were supposed to. "Boys you've drank way too much!" She sighed. They put their names in the goblet of fire. A couple of seconds later they got thrown away their names on the piece of paper flew out and they grew long white beards, one quite like Dumbledores. Their group of friends and Annalise roared with laughter.

Lee took them to the hospital wing. Annalise put her name in the goblet. "Who is that?" Jacob asked looking at Annalise. "Our cousin!" Lavina said. "Oh that's it." Jacob said. "God sake. You gonna put your name in?" Lavina asked. "Of course not!" Jacob scoffed. "Cedric is. Well that's what I heard!" Lavina told him. Jacob walked away scoffing. "Mention Cedric to any of the boys and they all get annoyed!" She smiled.

Durmstrang students then came in and put there name in. She noticed Krum looking at Hermione. Once he realised Lavina had caught him he looked away. She laughed silently to herself.

It was finally time to announce the triwizards. " The champion for Durmstrang, will be Viktor Krum" Dumbledore said. Everyone clapped.

The second piece of parchment flew out and he caught it. "The champion for Beauxbatons, is Fleur Delacour" Dumbledore said. Everyone clapped. Annalise looking at Fleur a dirty look.

The third piece of parchment flew out. "The Hogwarts champion, is Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore said. The applause for Cedric was much louder than the others.

Everyone was back to looking at Dumbledore where as Lavina was looking at the Goblet. It was still light which meant it had another champion. She nudged everyone and pointed to it. Soon everyone in the hall was looking at it.

Then a fourth piece of parchment flew out. "Harry potter" Dumbledore said. There was no applause for him, in fact it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. "He isn't even seventeen yet!" Finley Mason said. " How about you shut up Mason!" Lavina yelled at him. "Make me!" He hissed. "Make you. I'll fucking make you!" she said getting up and walking up to him. Annalise and James pulled her back to the table.

"Yeah get pulled away!" Finley smirked. Lavina ran at him and dragged him off the table and punched  him. Annalise and James pulled her away once again. "You calm now?" Annalise asked. "Yeah!" She sighed. Dumbledore cleared his throat. She then realised everyone was still in the hall.Harry had then joined the other champions.

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